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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. No problem! It's always nice to know what one has. It is a real looker and also a great learning marble. Heck there was a time I thought the red in my current avitar was Oxblood.
  2. Felicia asked about a marble I called a Wispler in a previous thread. Actually I spelled it with an H in it but whatever. The name Wispler was termed by a board member Roger more than a few years ago. Where is that guy? Anyhow it's a fitting name for collectors who like to put names to things. I think that this name has stuck. Here are a few examples. I though I had more but this was all I could find? There is also a version that is opaque but I don't have any right now. Anyone have any to show. There is a thread in the I.D section that has a nice selection as well.
  3. Yep the better pics did help. Sadly I don't see Oxblood either. It's that somewhat harder to find red that wants to be Ox. This combo is not overly hard to find generally. Yours however looks like a real nice version of one. It has way more blue than usual from what I have seen before. With a nice wrap. Bet all Corkheads would want that in their collection. I do P.M if you wanna trade it.
  4. Is this the one dude? Cool marble but the condition looks pretty sad in the bottom pic?
  5. Hehe ok then how about this one. Are you looking at the Purple Catseye? I Cropped the pic to include a Whispler and some Sparklers as well. The only 2 types of marble my Mum likes. Yep David there are some nice Sparklers in there. I would have to guess from all the pics my Mum has sent. She has one really impressive collection of both types.
  6. Thanks! Another view looks like a blue and white Onionskin to me. That is the one you were looking at no?
  7. Been a few months since she has found anything. Not a bad score this time. Handmades.....
  8. More for the thread. What I was told is big for a Crockery? Unglazed 1 1/8" at its lumpiest. Is that big?
  9. I hope it is my eyes, or your pics. But I am just not seing a Blue Oxblood in your group? Any chance of more pics to be sure. Great score none the less. P.S look in the green in that Josephs Coat for Averturine flecks.
  10. Bet ya B.T is drooling over this one. I know I am.
  11. Awesome little peewees. I have a single wrap light blue Onyx one but it is all nibbled up. I do have a couple of 17/32"ers. Real hard to find the little guys. Call me weird but I like the funky little red and white one in the case in post 5. It is in the very bottom row, second from the right (7:00 from the yellow and black in the row above) simple and classic.
  12. Not sure if this one would be my rarest, but I think it was one I should have kept. Excuse the crappy pics. They are from 2002 and taken with a state of the art 2.1 mega-pix Sony camera.
  13. Yeah Man, them's the goods! Anyone who mixes them up with Jabo is high on something.... As I go off to watch Avatar... Great marbles dude.
  14. Thanks. Like I said I know nothing about it aside from it being found in the U.K . How big is the one you posted Sue? There are some wicked marbles in this thread. That Mongo Mocha is crazy. Another pic for the thread.
  15. Second from top row, just left of centre looks like a pretty cool marble. Heck they are all nice.
  16. I don't think marblemiser could have put it any better. I have totally stayed out of the whole Jabo thing up until now, but this is just silly. Original marbles should have original names. Miser start a thread called "The One and Only Cobras and Cyclones Thread" that should help clear things up.
  17. Yeah I was thinking of that wooden thing from Maine. Never saw this auction. That sure is a nice clean box set in there, and the bag looks awesome.
  18. That one on ebay was one of the saddest attempts at a fake I have seen in a long time. Geeeze it's like he is not even trying anymore. Can't wait to see what's next. Oh yeah. Back to the question. Kinda hard to give answers without pics. All your getting is speculation at the moment.
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