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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. Glad to see others chiming in, i could do this for ever with just my own collection of swirls lol, i always enjoy looking at other peoples swirls to see what they like...
  2. Let me know if you come across some different color combos..
  3. Got any in different colors Steve ? i bid on those already...
  4. I want some of those patches, and dammit SHARE SOME PICS !!!!!
  5. DAMNIT BRIAN !! i knew you was holding out on the swirlage !! Btw i like the trusty shovel bit, made me laugh !
  6. Not sure who made this one but i really like it, the brown only shows where it breaks the surface.....
  7. I can't wait to see pics i seen you was in there making mibs Griff !
  8. Red White & Blue ones are awesome !!!!!! So are the others, i would like to see some "seems" come out of Jabo soon
  9. Ric when i bought it the guy who posted it was wondering the same thing, Sami says no but IMHO i think it is a Citrus type or Variation it certainly looks NLR but ??...
  10. Peltier NLR ? Akro With Ox Patch Marble King With Oxblood Streaks & Light Aventurine
  11. I want to see the rest of them !!!
  12. I'm not sure Ric, i would like to know some more info on the Tawnies though.... The Patch covers more than 2/3rds of the mib if that makes a difference, i had a nice Akro Royal that was kind of the same way..
  13. Ok i have read that there is a Akro called a Golden Tawnie, has all the colors this Akro has but this one has a green base instead of white, it even has the Gold metallic looking color surrounding the brown and redish orange and the thin Blue line, not to mention it has the head of a bird, this may look like a Lazy Cork but it's more of a patch IMHO Alan i remember when i first hit the boards with my first batch of mibs you told me to hang on to this one, could this be a Green Based golden Tawnie ? do regular White Based Golden Tawnies exist ?
  14. Almost all of them look to be glazed to, nice find
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