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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. just a little FYI for those coming to the Seattle show. We are bringing so many marbles, we're having to use the car and van! There will be something for absolutely everyone!! thousands to go thru! See ya there!!
  2. try lighter fluid! it will or should soften the glue. it also works great for removing old tape on cardboard too. it will lift the glue, and evaporates leaving no trace. just an old trick, but it seems to work the best. if it's really stubborn, try nail polish remover, the acetone type. Nice tray BTW!
  3. ok anyne that is even considering coming to the Seattle show, you have today and tomorrow to get your rooms to get the rates!!! there is 5 left is all! spread the word!
  4. Hi! The flinties are red. and there is a flint moonie. The flint moonie shines a brilliant bright red when light is passed through. the colored ones are opals, (and packaged as such) if they're akro. they have the same characteristics as a flinty. with varying degress of the opalescent qualities. they have the 'eyes' as well. We call those 'opies'. So there's Flinties, moonies and opies. some of the later ones made lack the eyes, but we don't consider then in the same family. There's also chinese checker marbles with the 'eyes'.
  5. very similar!! thanks for posting pictures gang! wait until you see the next bizarre one we found!
  6. Great idea! maybe it will show the ribbons better too! thanks! (excellent marble BTW)
  7. hi Roger, no the ghost cores look deliberate. not the usual ghost core. it appears that clear, it has the shape of a jelly core, and the ribbons are made up of the same odd bubble glass. I know it's really hard to tell in a picture. if it gets sunny here today I will try an outside picture. it's the strangest one I have ever seen. The core twists around like a jelly core too. that's about the best way I can describe it. the ribbons look deliberate as well.
  8. Ok, so I am still going thru the 20K+ marbles... came upon this one. Grabbed it to picture and list and then took a really good look at it. WoW! Has anyone ever seen something like this is a mica? if so, does it have a name? Wish the pictures captured it a little better. awesome super strange mica
  9. not creepy VERY COOL! LOL@ Windy. miss ya girlfriend
  10. Oxblood can be sneaky! check out this weird snake/spiral with the oxblood just under the surface. lets see some more weirdos!
  11. thank you Hansel. ;-) Ya coming to seattle? you still have to visit our bamboo!
  12. Hi Mike, what you show is actually a 'nine'(you have it upside down as a six) according to blocks book on sulfides. page 154. and i don't see any differences either. the one I have looks exactly like the one in the book. what makes you say these are Davis? do you have any provenance? is it signed? Hansel ya out there buddy? if ya are, would like to hear your thoughts. thanks :-)
  13. Hi mike, what does 'careful with ebay auction' mean? These could be davis.., but I also got several emails sighting them as Italian, 1960's. How big is yours? is it signed? I posted this on a glass addiction, they said to ask Ray laubs, I did. He didn't know. so, would these be worth more as andy davis? as opposed to an unknown Italian artist? would be nice if someone knew for sure?. But I do have them in the 1970's and newer catagory, so thats safe if Andy Davis. also listed under pre-70's, so fine if 1960's. one other little fyi, if these are davis, they would have had to be purchased by the owner in 1995, the first year Davis started. because this gentleman didn't buy hardly any marbles after 95-96.
  14. hope it's a GREAT one! Happy B-day!!
  15. thanks all. I had a great day! Ernie
  16. happy Birthday my love.!! you're the BEST!
  17. Hi Bob! Agree! we've found a lot more too!. especially at the antique shows, and very reasonably priced for the most part. Guess when times get tough, the good stuff comes Ernie & Dani
  18. That, my friend is a HUGE understatement! LOL!
  19. SUPER! glad you remembered Al. It wouldn't be the same without you!!
  20. ok, who's gonna be there? time is flying gang. there is a cut off date to get the room rates! call today! Call 1.800.544.9863 for reservations. We are going to have the pizza and pool party again this year too. woohoo! can't wait!!
  21. Nice rich! Now you can understand totally (i know you already do.lol) how much fun we have passing marbles out to kids in Vegas, and having a big grab box at the front table in Seattle for kids to just help themselves. It's always fun to watch them with their complete amazement that they get to pick any marbles for free! bTW, I will have more for you soon! Many more! Coming to the seattle show?? we can weigh you down with them!
  22. wow, been discovering some killer stuff! like the superman with aventurine. (on the bay). more marbles to sort today!
  23. well heck bruce, how many hand cut agates would you like to see? just those 2?! and yep there is a colored glass one, it's on the bay. I have also discovered that picturing handmades is a new learning curve for me. LOL!
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