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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. i have that type in my Alleys, not a coral tho.
  2. heres a pelt windshield... notice the similarities? LOl was great to see ya!!
  3. cac and yes they did make them. I have one, Galen has one. have had galens in hand right next to mine, almost identical.
  4. rofl. first of all, none of the pictures show the obvious windshield in this one. when I sold it to Tom, i said it was either a later master as the ones made for alox or a wonky pelt windshield. just an fyi.... its not a vacor..
  5. oh sooo sad. RIP our old friend. hopefully you are romping with your pups! you will be GREATLY missed.
  6. Thanks Lou!!! lets keep in touch!!
  7. sadly Ken Fee, from Salt Lake City Utah has passed away. His sister has asked to let our marble community know should anyone wish to attend services. Gravesite service is Dec1st, noon at Ron Wasatch Memorial Park, Salt Lake City. RIP Ken. you will ne missed.
  8. the vegas show is next!!! its just the best!!! mostly antique and vintage too. there will be a documentary being filmed on marble collecting too!
  9. ok gang I know I am not seeing some our regular marble family on the room lists! please don't wait! do it today!!
  10. yeah posted it MONTHS ago.. reposting..
  11. so why are all the show notifications gone?? just 2 on there and OLD ones at that?
  12. MFC made a number 12 too. heres a few of ours, smallest shown is 5/8 largest is just shy of 2". if that helps for size comparisons.
  13. Edwin is a quality buyer, and has been for years. all around nice guy too!
  14. leaving tomorrow so the hospitality room will be up and running on Tuesday!! hope to see y'all there. cant wait!!
  15. the room rates are good for Tuesday thru Tuesday so come spend a vacation!!
  17. do the opals have the little fish eyes?
  18. http://www.ebay.com/itm/TINY-PEEWEE-MICA-GERMAN-HANDMADE-ANTIQUE-MARBLE-/332186629185?hash=item4d57ddb441:g:dWUAAOSw53NY9Wl9
  19. this is pretty cool too... http://www.ebay.com/itm/1880S-SUPER-RARE-EXPERIMENTAL-HALF-ONION-HALF-RIBBON-W-MICA-ANTIQUE-MARBLE-/332183778635?hash=item4d57b2354b:g:1QAAAOSwmgJY8XZA
  20. Don't see big ones, full 3/4" very often. clear cherry red with big mica flakes. ground faceted pontil.. yummy! http://www.ebay.com/itm/1880s-OVER-3-4-RED-MICA-ANTIQUE-MARBLE-/382045152452?hash=item58f3aa64c4:g:WHcAAOSwkShY8-bC
  21. Everything about Antique and Vintage Marbles, Everything about Antique and Vintage Marble Auctions, Antique, Vintage and Contemporary Marble Auctions, Marbleholics Anonymous, Pelt Heads well theres a few...lol
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