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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. lying is wrong. its not part of the US culture. so if they're lying here, I'm with you, its wrong. great thread for info too BTW.
  2. we have the JGG's. not even close in hand.
  3. those were my thoughts exactly galen. and yeah I have the other ones as well, but I have also not seen that type of aventurine in a vintage marble either. or the more powder blue aventurine in vintage. And never seen Pelt aventurine like it. none of ours( vintage with the fine aventurine) are 3/4" either. 11/16" about the largest. thanks for the input guys.
  4. hi gang, this is the marble in question. dark clear body. swirls of somewhat chunky green aventurine with smaller swirls of blue aventurine. the marble is hard to photograph. this is showing it's two poles. 3/4".
  5. FWIW. Hey Steph! :-) on the Aces, the black one you showed is really easy to tell in hand. the problem is trying to picture them!! The flash will bounce off the white filaments in it and make it look almost opaque. The only way to 'try' to capture is to uplight at the same time. They are on my 'nightmare' list for pictures.
  6. hi, Hansel that is a nick name. you know Dani. she is perfect
  7. I have a purple one over 1-1/4", bought from Lloyd Huffer years ago... and it's mint. I will see if I can get the ole lady to picture it and will post later. Ernie
  8. hi Ann yes have some. it falls into the red based sparkler category. tried to PM you but your mess. box is full.lol
  9. Hi Ann. your marble is akro all the way.
  10. The pictures are high quality and the marbles a must see.
  11. rainy, drizzle, damp... Seattle weather.
  12. zaboo

    Woot Woot

    lookin for some cheese..
  13. Stephanie is right. let me shine a little light on this. This was a salesman's sample box that Akro used as a shipping box. If you were to peel that label off, it would say Assorted agate onyx, #0 to 6 incl. No 1 Display box, and below that, N0 112 Display box, under that, Manufactured by, The Akro Agate Co, Clarksburg W.Va. I wouldn't peel the label off tho, the label is harder to find than the box is. I have seen one other with this label over the sample box, it contained red onyx marbles. The marbles that were in this box were much later, since when this box was sent the Chinese checker marbles were not being manufactured. ~Ernie
  14. lol, the size has to be over 500 pixels. at least that's the story I get. I always make the gallery picture about 650 and it always go thru. Hope this helps. :-)
  15. ahh those were the days Steph...
  16. well gnome, I guess you would need the two types of popeyes I showed in hand to make a call. Galen has had both in his hot little hand, :-) but OT. the marble in question is still not a popeye. LOL.
  17. heres a black blue and oxblood popeye..it's a hybrid tho.
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