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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. Is it me or does that look like the pictures were taken at a hotel?
  2. hiya Bill! yep both come on the bay starting at 7pm pac. time.
  3. I know huh! unusual for sure. here's another that made me go ooohhhh. (pelt)
  4. I get to see a lot of neat marbles, but this one made my eyes pop. had to share..
  5. " My opinion the marble is Alley" then you say..."The Heaton white base, green and oxblood pictured is one of the best versions of these that i have seen from Heaton" so according to you the better book is American machine made marbles, with that in hand, please look on page, 77, under ID tips, it lists green oxblood white base, also black oxblood white base. So the bottom line here is what you yourself deem as oxblood, not what others look at it to be. Oxblood was both intentional and accidental. and the term 'oxblood' and pigeon blood are not new terms in glass. they have been around a long time before machine made marbles. LOL and different companies had different oxbloods. and this is way OT from the original post, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it just might be a duck.
  6. Hey Ron, you said... ' I do not know of any Heaton,Cairo,or Ravenswood with oxblood,none.' I had been told by a very knowledgeable collector that these were heaton. According to Popular American Marbles, page 67, they list oxblood green and white at $10-15.00.( you're listed in that book as helping with it) in the machine made marbles, Everett Grist Big Book of marbles ,from your own collection, shows as a ravenswood, a blue and purple and white swirl.(plate 209) The marble you question in my wife's listings was sold to the consignor as a ravenswood. she also showed it to a couple different collectors prior to listing and they also said ravenswood on it. and yes I am aware that knowledge does not come without effort. I have collected and studied marbles for awhile now... Ernie
  7. Hey Ron, thanks for the info!! so you say that cairo heaton and ravenswood never had oxblood in them. nice to know. so is that marble an alley? as far as white based akros go, I have some I wouldn't get rid of for anything and are quite beautiful. I have collected and enjoyed W.V. swirls always. 20 years ago I was grabbing them when most didn't want them. including white based alleys. over the years things change, we need to embrace and adapt to changes. and whats it going to take to get you out to our Seattle show? we'd treat you well! how about a free table? ~Ernie
  8. "Alley Bacon Strip Oxdblood Caligraphy Swirl Vintage Shooter Marble" well it's one hell of a long name for a marble and not even spelled right. It aint turkey, it's cat food. and a shooter being 5/8"?? and I may be wrong, but I have this type marble with my heaton/cairo section. what do the experts say on the maker of this marble? thanks, ~E.
  9. really? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Unspeakable-Alley-Bacon-Strip-Oxdblood-Caligraphy-Swirl-Vintage-Shooter-Marble-/291088464071?pt=Marbles&hash=item43c63978c7 who came up with this stupid name? and I don't really see alley here either.. I am now with Galen with 'the name game haters'. move over Galen! ~Ernie
  10. Great to see ya back and listing Lloyd! Snow plow been by today? lol
  11. I believe it is dug because of the patterning. it's an error marble. it's not a cork, it's not a patch, is somewhere in the o-zone of in between. this type is commonly seen in the dug examples. Some of the ones that are so random are also soo cool! and yes you can have red and oxblood in the same marble.
  12. My thoughts on this is, since it is a dug marble, it could have about anything swirled in there. lol. but as you thought, probably left over glass from a run. But that center picture looks like it has been polished. let us know when you get it in hand. about the only way you can really tell.
  13. hmmm... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yeah-Aventurine-AND-Oxblood-on-this-NM-Akro-Vintage-Shooter-WHAT-ABOUT-IT-/301099285733?pt=Marbles&hash=item461aea7ce5
  14. Ya know, they probably made them in small sizes, but I don't off hand remember seeing one... maybe someone will post one!
  15. yep we have similar ones. alley shooters
  16. only ones I have sold, but I have pictures if you'd like to see them..
  17. Hi bob! no enhancements. in fact I had to up the f stop for the glare! lol the marbles were same cane.. base and marbles made by David rosenfeldt. a gift many years back.
  18. gorgeous... ya need a red glass sparkler next!
  19. hey Bob, I defer to Alan's info on pontils and handmades and timelines. He had tons of info. I will see if I can find the files. it may be gone now.. :-(
  20. Huge size difference. marble not even close. this one has a ground faceted pontil base glass translucent somewhat like a clam broth would be...
  21. it is a faceted ground pontil. (and nicely done) It is what I believe German in origin. and yes i have seen these colors before in handmades. this came from an old collection. Consignor has had for many years.
  22. Don't snooze on this one! it's really something special... goes on tonight..1 1/4"
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