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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. how awesome is this? 2 full inches!! 4 panel~ single pontil!
  2. You're killin me Jeff! you know I love the banded opaques! drooooooolllllllllllllllll
  3. Hey Hansel... we have one like the one you showed, but have you ever seen one with green splotches? and I need that book! lol and it's ordered!
  4. Love your new stuff scott(thanks again!) If you really want to lure Dale your way, he collects cool ornate accordians, N.W. indian baskets and blankets, old kids books and lunch pails! LOL Dale signs a lot of stuff, but i don't believe he makes much himself these days. all done in his studios. :-) We even have a chihuly McDonalds here. seriously! here's chihuly bridge, and crystal towers... our home town..leads to the museum of Glass.
  5. which one? lol nice set up ya got there!
  6. roflllllll I saw that same ad this morning. funny stuff!
  7. L.v. aronson(mainly the elephants) old pocket knifes(switch blades included) Ivory Asian art, various types vinyl german shepherds, polar bears(ivory and russian porcelain) Old advertising(especially porcelain signs and reverse glass paintings) original band posters from the 70's (actually lots of 60's and 70's stuff) a few old coke items.. old toys and various things that classify as neat old stuff.lol oh and marbles... yes it IS an addiction.
  8. We totally support ya Sami!! (but you knew that.lol)
  9. zaboo


    oh hell yes!
  10. I agree with ya Sami. I have had some like this in the past. I think it's the pictures that is the real issue. lol
  11. Mon,~ Funny, no one else seems to have a problem figuring out my grading. I think you may be the first. The return in unopened package is EBAY"S wording (yes they told me what to put) to protect me from some idiot buying a highend marble, and then a week later say his car breaks down and wants to return to get his money back. also protects me against people that have buyers remorse. I get my consignors their money as soon as the deal clears. with ebay's open ended 2 week return, it would mean my sellers would have to wait a month for payment. that's not how I roll.(pun intended) And if you have dealt with me, you know I always take returns even if you don't like the color. why are most of my marbles in the 9's? because it is an agreement i have with my consignors. I only take mint to M- marbles unless it's an estate. and if they are garbage, they are garbage. not worth my time to deal with. so they get donated to a couple different places, or returned. My feedback shows I have happy buyers. And I work hard to have happy buyers, and happy consignors.
  12. I agree Galen the number system is a pain, but also like said, many people want to rely on a number grade. that's why I have my grading numbers posted under all my marbles, and usually also describe any issues. but no matter what ya do, there's that old saying... ya can't please all the people all the time. (and God only knows a marble should also have 'character. ROFL I never knew that was a requirement until recently!)
  13. zaboo


    here's one of our fav's, dali, swans reflecting elephants, cool cat Steph!
  14. I don't think i would call that popeye mint either. The surface scratches make me wonder on it.....and a subsurface moon as well. just sayin....
  15. seems that this is as clyde says, basically the same show, different promotor and moved it just down the road. same date and same state. So the tourch was picked up, and still burning.
  16. and the quest is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ahh and there enters the argument about a black popeye. seen many sold on ebay as black when in fact they were not a true black. that said, a real black popeye has dense truly black glass! I love your research Ann! and we have obsidian examples in our rock garden. yes sharp as a scalpel if you're not careful! Finding handmade antique marbles with a true black is not an easy do! I have sold 2 in the last year, one on ebay and one privately. The buyers loved them, and were thrilled to get a true black in a handmade. food for thought when on 'the hunt'.
  18. Now that the Amana show seems to be history... what are the 'marble community's' thoughts on someone else doing an Amana show? I know it has always been a fun and great show... thoughts please?
  19. now that's a color palette! great pictures toots. that last one is 'on fire!''.
  20. never seen those problems at any of our shows... wow. we are known as 'the fun show' since the beginning. and our members never seem to complain. maybe you need to come to our Seattle shows Scott! and have some fun!! lol we sure wold love to show ya a good time! or vegas this fall.
  21. Not sure how I missed this post.lol running shows is a major time consuming thing. but we all love it. we offset costs with a raffle and silent auction. as for having only 2 nights for in room. good in theory, but most hotels gage the show room price for the club on the number of room nights they get in the hotel. I think the Seattle and Vegas shows are a little different than many because so many people that come include the show in their vacation plans. we do other things as well, like the dinner in Seattle Galen started, a pizza party, and sometime just spontaneous fun! the show day~ this year in Seattle, the only marbles i personally bought was at the show. best deals!! and as Galen said, there's always a few that just don't do in room. The hospitality rooms... a lot of the expenses for these come out of our own pockets. why? because we want all our guests and members to enjoy themselves, just like you would entertain someone in your home. Our club the IAMC is a registered not for profit club too. In the beginning to get it started, we, and Lee sold a lot of really nice stuff just to get it started. We have never pocketed a dime from our shows. The memberships off set the fees for the newsletters. Lots of work? you bet! worth it? YES! but not monetarily. we usually just break even. and as usual had a ball at Seattle, and can't wait until Vegas!! See ya there!!!
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