Not sure how I missed this
running shows is a major time consuming thing. but we all love it. we offset costs with a raffle and silent auction.
as for having only 2 nights for in room. good in theory, but most hotels gage the show room price for the club on the number of room nights they get in the hotel.
I think the Seattle and Vegas shows are a little different than many because so many people that come include the show in their vacation plans.
we do other things as well, like the dinner in Seattle Galen started, a pizza party, and sometime just spontaneous fun!
the show day~ this year in Seattle, the only marbles i personally bought was at the show. best deals!! and as Galen said, there's always a few that just don't do in room.
The hospitality rooms... a lot of the expenses for these come out of our own pockets. why? because we want all our guests and members to enjoy themselves, just like you would entertain someone in your home.
Our club the IAMC is a registered not for profit club too. In the beginning to get it started, we, and Lee sold a lot of really nice stuff just to get it started. We have never pocketed a dime from our shows. The memberships off set the fees for the newsletters.
Lots of work? you bet! worth it? YES! but not monetarily. we usually just break even.
and as usual had a ball at Seattle, and can't wait until Vegas!! See ya there!!!