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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. i was thinking that too, except those are one inchers, unless it was on a mini one like an old carnival toy maybe.
  2. yep moonrock!! looks as though it was originally attached to something. hard to say.
  3. giggles..... http://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTIQUE-VINTAGE-5-8-COLORFUL-NON-GLASS-MARBLE-PAPIER-MACHE-/321047136152?pt=Marbles&hash=item4abfe68798
  4. where do you locate all the past aucitons at?
  5. what size and can we see the other side please?
  6. yep toots, ya just cursed yourself! rofl! might just be the odds too. i ship from 5 to 15 packages a day. that's a lot of time spent packing every week I tell ya!
  7. hi Bob, i think it's just the issues here. love my postman, he grew up across the street, known him since he was about 7. lol he always watches out for me. scans asap on outgoing and never leaves anything on the porch if i am not home. good kid, past him? who the heck knows! I have had more issues in the last year than ever before. they have all kinds of excuses too. actually had a fill in post person deliver the wrong mail to my house. stopped her, and she said she couldn't read english only numbers. HUH?! no kidding, I bet she's in sorting now. i check the tracking on packages almost every day. amazing how many say 'mis sent'. i guess it's like Ebay, for the moment it's the best game in town. (sigh) ~Dani
  8. the postal system has become a nightmare. i called the sort facility a couple times in seattle. couldn't get any one that spoke english well enough to communicate with... gee wonder if that could be the problem? lol
  9. LOL, will miss seeing ya toots! hugs from afar....
  10. ahh thanks... no one is more disappointed than we are. we just have a big contract that has to come first i'm afraid. :-( so sad... but Biz is Biz!
  11. I'm afraid we won't be there this year, sorry all. :-(
  13. my Sony (I like 'sonny' mike. good stuff) is only a 3 megapix. still works just fine! :-) I think software can help with successful pictures too.
  14. a 10 year old camera, a desk lamp ($12.95) with a regular bulb,a black piece of velvet, and a tripod. real fancy.. rofllllllllll works for me..
  15. I know a few of those beauties! RIP Bruce. glad he got to make the seattle show before he passed.
  16. i know they will, but it means we can't meet up my friend!
  17. I don't seem to have much time to cruise ebay much any more, so when this was sent to me I just cracked up. not sure which is weirder, the marble or the mouse/rat chewed corner of one of bob's books... ewwww.... check out auction # 330790232123
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