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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. what about this one? I have it listed... http://www.ebay.com/itm/PELTIER-VERY-ODD-CHOCOLATE-AND-GREEN-PATCH-MARBLE-/380916814021?pt=Marbles&hash=item58b06950c5
  2. nice... I still have to use chrome for posting anything, and then it's 'iffy'.
  3. I think there's some flamy ones in here...
  4. still can't get a picture to post.. a few times using a different browser, but still the same freezing up crap. :-(
  5. lol knew ya would. I have to buy Heidi replacement pigs at least twice a year. she's convinced those are 'babies'. she even hides them when a storm is coming. So I'm not sure what this would tell ya as a seller of marbles. I love my critters? (a bit OT Greg? )
  6. what did ya learn from mine toots? :rolleye-842: (sorry couldn't resist)
  7. everything! LOL ya know we are the akro-bats, I know there will also be handmade buffs, and cac's and pelts... um... like I said, everything!
  8. Awesome Mike!!! we can finally meet in person! FWIW, Hubby is going to part with some neat alleys this year.
  9. I still love all your circus characters and animals Lloyd. but they are kinda scary. LOL ~D
  10. well crap it worked ONCE. can't post on either IE or google now.
  11. windows 7, ie 10. or google.. I get the box pop up to add the url for the pic. and the box freezes. try to X off the box, and it asks if I wish to close as options have changed. you can click yes all ya want. it doesn't close, it won't post and I have to leave the page to get out! does the same thing for a link. it worked last week. :-(
  12. maybe they were industrial marbles used for something else?
  13. lol, sorry I didn't update Steph.. we were all so dog tired, it took a couple days to get back to normal. still can't drive some places without looking. Amy found one that had been hidden for 2 years! I know we passed out hundreds of marbles. :-) made a lot of kids and adults happy to find some glass!
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