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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. We do too Sami. and the place is all remodeled. :-) can't wait!! But we will see you in Seattle in july right?
  2. Just to let everyone know the Vegas Oct Show is set! We are moving the show into the newly remodeled Plaza Hotel in downtown Freemont! Plan ahead! Its going to exceptional this year!!!
  3. questions... the beginning peltiers were made as swirls, god forbid we use the name miller machines, but I will for the sake of the type. so these can't be from that time period. second, the cereal box marbles weren't in cereal boxes in the 1920s and 30's. they were I believe in the late 40's to 50's. all these marbles shown have the same construction double patched. later in peltier marble productions. does anyone have information on what marbles the Nivison-weiskopf company made since peltier bought their machines? When did the name fruit cocktail for those type Winnie shows change? they have been called that for the last 20+ years. still are in my book. thanks Ernie
  4. well it wasn't an ace. sorry. lol. Edna has the best pictures of aces BTW. I know she'd be happy to post them is someone asked. I think she has before. and no there are no opaque aces. :-)
  5. Thanks Sami. we also couldn't believe it went so fast! great times, great friends! heres a picture of the boxes. we saw these boxes in Vegas 7 years ago. Much to our surprise they were brought to us unannounced, flown in from Hawaii. These are early boxes, I believe the first gift boxes akro made. these are exactly as they were found, nothing changed or added. Originally found under a house in Hawaii, which is where the kids played marbles! (thanks so much to Gary!!) not the best pic. taken with hubby's Ipad. we also got a bag of macadamia nuts with them! There was some really great marbles at the show. Lee's legendary Marble brought some nice one of a kind marbles too. Including a nice bird cage! We got a REALLY nice marble from Sami too! need more of those Sami!! we had a really fun time with Brian and his lovely wife Meliea. And Galen was well behaved. (ROFL!) love ya galen! We also enjoyed meeting new people and new collectors too. all in all a fabulous time.
  6. can't wait to see y'all and Galen and Sami? bringing some freakin killer stuff I know you guys will love! no hints. LOL
  7. awesome! cravin some sea food?
  8. Missed ya in Seattle Sami! So glad you're going to make it. :-)
  9. Hi king, you're certainly welcome to our shows! Seattle and Vegas. we're not national, we're International. Ernie
  10. ah what you say has validity Bob. I dear friend of mine, in her 70's, has beautiful almost wrinkle free skin. her secret? she says it water, and lots of it. she only pats her skin dry, but drinks at least a gallon of water a day. She used to sell high end cosmetics. her take is, if you are not hydrated and your skin isn't hydrated, the most expensive creams in the world are not going to do much for you. Shes living proof, I swear. (love the picture BTW)
  11. well I agree with Greg and Edna. yes batches were made for years, however, we have several box sets with matching rows. One is pictured in rogers book. acquired from roger. with exact matching marbles, one row of teal green and egg yolk. That particular type was only made for a short period of time, due to annealing issues. No question they came from the same run, as the patterning and colors match exactly to the one next to it. Point is, have you ever tried to backfill a box with dead on matching marbles? good luck. yeah they used the same recipes for the 'runs'. Just by definition, if they make a batch of just red snakes for one or two full days, that would be a run in my book. When they made a specific kind, lets use these sparklers, and filled 100 count boxes that day all day long, then by definition, they would all be from the same run. Same looking at our 100 count of master sunbursts. matching rows,
  12. Congrats on a great score.Have you looked for aventurine and/or oxblood? you may want to check with a blacklite on the ones in your last picture. Ernie
  13. CRAB POT SOUNDS WONDERFUL!! I will also be bringing some simply wonderful marbles!
  14. why don't you try calling it a translucent cork?. yes! an ACE has to be opalescent. period. Moss swirls are not corks either. and if you're an akro collector, you won't call a translucent corkscrew and ace. and yes that's a limeade. :-)
  15. FWIW Akro made many popeyes that had the ace opalescent qualities. my thoughts were that they were in transition from a 2 color ace into the popeye run. I have seen the teal and brown popeyes. and yeah dang near impossible to photograph. outside in the sunshine is best.
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