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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. Hansel, your 'constructive criticism' has gotten you blocked twice by me. Nothing constructive about it. always total arrogance, as seen here. While we are not a fan of the name game, it is there. and as you admittedly do not know your peltiers, and are siting older generic info. the collector names used in the book have all been around for quite some time and are totally understood by the pelt collectors. Sami, I know you worked very hard on this book. Don't let any trolls or haters bring ya down. :-) E&D
  2. thanks Steph. he really was a peach of a guy, he had been quite sick for awhile, but never wanted anyone to know. :-(
  3. Sadly we heard that long time friend and marble collector Roger Adam passed away feb.18th. Roger was a long time friend, one of our first charter members of the IAMC and the Sea Tac club, and Northwest marble collectors club before that. He had an extensive marble collection. Roger was always fun to be around, and gladly shared his knowledge. He will be SO missed. RIP Roger.
  4. killer Sami! great book, beautiful pictures!!! thanks!!!!!
  5. hansel, its open information on the internet. HOWEVER with the first one I listed I did indeed site Buddy. its not Plagiarism .. had followed my previous auctions you would have seen it. look up the definition. and your English classes from college. because it is in different type and separate paragraph it is clearly a piece of info from an outside source. Besides Hansel, you're the one that complains that my ads are too long for you to read. lol thanks for the advertisement. only one more left... with the first... super rare! measures 21/32". it is mint. and yes it glows like crazy. please see the excerpt from Marble Alan's ID page explaining the history of these. (thanks Buddy!) Recently, I spoke with a friend who told me his uncle was in the screenprinting business in the mid-to-late 1930s. One of the items he screenprinted for companies (filling stations, Cracker Jack, and small local businesses in the area of western Pennsylvania) and individuals (i.e. political campaigners) included marbles. This elderly gentleman, Howard E. Koehler, was born in 1910, and obtained his marbles from Akro Agate. Over the years he has given these marbles to his relatives, including his nephew, my friend, who showed me a jar full. Among the marbles were Popeyes, Corkscrews, and Opaques. Many were printed with the names of individuals, while others had the names of petroleum companies (Esso, Mobilgas, and Sunoco) and such words as "freedom" and "1937." Mr. Koehler himself kept around 100 of these marbles, and allowed me to go through them. Perhaps some of the more interesting examples contained "Landon" or "Landon/Knox"; Alfred Landon and Frank Knox were the repulican candidates for president and vice president, respectively, during the 1936 election, and lost against Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  6. love all the archives... will miss those.
  7. Welcome to being a home owner!! LOL! been there done that, but its YOUR house.
  8. heres a picture of the dyed one, and another ivory that came in a large collection, with the label explaining it's origin. a little off topic, but thought it cool.
  9. we had the entire set of the American toy company ones. they were a glazed china with a deep flo blue color numbers. I agree ivory, or possibly bone, all the way. the larger ivory spheres used in full size pool balls always had a dot or hole, on the end where the marrow ran. also have a 1-1/4" ivory marble. it too has the dot. also have an inlaid and dyed ivory marble, will post pic. later. you could always do the hot need test too, to rule out anything man made. Ernie
  10. ok I looked at this a few times, I didn't see the size, and because of the size, I rule out akro. sorry. sooo. either foreign or jabo. the puckers at the pole are a little strange.
  11. who's coming??!!! time is nearing and will be here before ya know it. get those reservations! booking code SPIAM16, if ya want the great rates!! See ya all at the Plaza!!
  12. So Sorry Steph. Hugs from afar... from both of us.
  13. heres what ya do... call them, and request an email be sent to category specialists. seriously I just finished talking to them here's the ebay # just say no one time passcode.. they just put all marbles into one lump listing and its not even under vintage toys. so toy R us is what you will have to wade thru. they did tell me that voices count! 866-540-3229
  14. Just got a phone call from Diane, Leo Contreras passed away Friday the 13th. Leo was always fun, loved seeing him every year at the shows, for many years. He will be greatly missed. RIP Leo. :-(
  15. naw maybe the first colors, which were done only in amber, blue and green. Maybe hand gathered I will ask Rog.. but the lemonade.. and I quote.. “With the beginning of World War II, and the shortage for material, ‘Akro’ decided to reintroduce the glass children’s dishes. This time they proved to be a great success….The original molds were changed to block molds, because they were cheaper and could be run on a mechanized line….
  16. so you wondered if my listing was correct? and that I am not qualified to judge an antique agate? LOL!
  17. Oh Man we are so sorry to hear this. you know our thoughts and prayers are with ya my friend. hugs from afar. please keep us all posted. I know a lot of us totally understand what you're going thru and will face. Know you have friends that love ya toots!
  18. Steph, ya gotta make a vegas show one of these years!
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