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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. I'll see if i can find ya a 4 rich...
  2. had to share this beauty, it's not mine (wish it was! lol) one of a consignment. zaboo's auctions
  3. lol hippie era 1970's on both the pot and the beads. rich is totally right... used for macrame.. again 1970's. I used to macrame hanging glass tables, had tons of those beads.. yep I'm old! the pot was typically used for dried flowers or herbs, decorative uses.
  4. YES, ONE GREAT STORY! (Marblemiser's right. acrylic floor wax! the industrial kind would do it wonders. yes it can be removed. I tried some once on a marble just to see what it would do. it also has those teeny surface wear minute scratches, and it work beautifully.)
  5. oh I hope sue isn't leaving... just recruiting additional help and support??
  6. Hi Stacy! welcome! I have sold on ebay for 13 years. have met some wonderful people and made a few very good friends! several of which in the past couple of years have actually gotten to meet in person and the friendships grow! Hope you find it so too! and then there's some of the wonderful friends we have made from the boards. many of which we now consider close, personal friends. it's a jungle yes, and there's always a few hyenas, but mostly great, honest, fun people! Can't count the friends we've made through the iamc.... it's a fun hobby! ~Dani iamc
  7. welcome to the board!!!! nice stuff! (I don't belong to facebook either Terry. LOL! my kids do, but I banned them from going there on my computer because of all the crap that tried to download from the site. malware, spyware etc.) ~D
  8. our sincerest condolences..............a sad day.
  9. FWIW Our box like yours has an akro logo bag in it, but there's a page with pictures of the original akro bags in Hardy's akro book. i'm sure any of those would be fine. :-) ..... (the knee pad is displayed inside out. lol)
  10. nice! now ya just have to find the right bag for it.
  11. Just picked up this snake at the Seattle show last week.
  12. old czech glass of 'pigeon blood' looks just like oxblood in hand. :-)
  13. fwiw... I know who is selling this...and he knows his marbles! If i was in the market for one, I would have no probelm believing what he says it is.
  14. very cool roger... I have a cloisonne elephant about 10" tall with the same base patterning as your lamp! hey steph, look up pigeon blood...
  15. something else that works well believe it or not... good old turtle wax car wax!
  16. wow.... must be nice to spend that kinda green for a little cardboard card! rofl
  17. we will make it dave!!! I have LOTS in file...lol
  18. maybe it is because of the size? I mean, if you had one 5/8" and one bigger.. wouldn't you just absolutely have to have a small one for the set? lol
  19. NICE vitro opal ya got there!!3+ colors.
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