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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. I think I see three I am comfortable with, without seeing any different angles that is.lol am I close?
  2. any thoughts? Ernie.... ebay auction
  3. yeah you rock girlfriend!! hope ya had a great day! and happy happy to your daughter too!
  4. zaboo

    Vitro Opals

    wow! talk about timing! the bottom one you picture steph? got some and was trying to figure out what they were! LOL THANKS!
  5. excellent points all! this one is causing me heartburn... I was interested in it for a small amount willing to bid, but holy cow! look at it now. and what's bothering me is that it is obviuosly a couple newbies bidding, and have no idea those two real 'lookers' are contemp. ***sigh*** and no way to let them know. the seller is quite honest, he basically says he knows nothing about marbles. I believe that. He doesn't sell marbles, he sells other stuff. Can't put any blame on seller, this is a bidding war. so I guess all we can do is shake our heads and say bummer... auction
  6. happy birthday Gene!!!!!!! hope ya have a GREAT day!
  7. just the bag would make me run... or ROFL, looks like he stamped the bag with the same stamp on the box. and there's people bidding on it?!
  8. that picture was also done in a jig saw puzzle! very cool Charles!
  9. Happy Chinese New Year everyone! every year here in Tacoma, a group of talented glass artists secrtly place hand blown balls around the city for people to find on Chinese New Year! we have searched every year for the last 4 years. this year they added medallions as well. Being the year of the Tiger, all are stamped with a tiger emblem and date. Here's what we found this year. Lots of walking and searching gang. We try not to take more than one for each of us. Our daughter Amy and her new hubby also found a few! it's a crazy hunt! people out walking from dusk til dawn searching everywhere in the entire city. You get wet, really wet sometimes, cold and tired. But the thrill of finding one of these treasures make it all worth it! Size on the balls range from 3" to about 5". fun stuff!
  10. dang I missed it by 1 !! lol Congrats Gene, and thanks bunches Carole!!
  11. both are great teams! not sure we can cheer for one over the other. but at least we know it's going to be one great game! already planning the 'football' food for the day! looking forward to watching some dang great football!
  12. Check this out! Love the info. Galen was right... about rubber balls, or 'house balls'. We were wondering if they say they are made with 'safe paint' knowing how toxic it actually was, what did they use before that?! anyway, also thought it interesting that you could get a net bag way back then, full of slags! Does anyone have one that old? this is out of a catalog from. Charles Williams Store, NY. WE figure by the items pictured in the full ad, time frame is approx. 1890 to 1910. Although the rubber balls here are much bigger than the one Tom has, it only goes to reason, that if they made big ones, they would also make small ones. just thought we'd share.
  13. interesting, thanks Galen. Funny they would make a rubber ball with hand painted images that would crack and peel quickly. maybe almost instantly after playing. the smaller gutta though were indeed game marbles. not balls. but then would a 2" bennington be a ball? small FYI, so no one gets confused. the Guttas are solid as a rock. as we had Lee cut one in half.(yes we did that!)and it was quite hard, and very dense. Geez what we'll do for a newsletter huh?
  14. sorry that's the only picture I had that turned out..dang. I never really examined it in hand because it looked fragile, and well, i have to respect other's, and try not to drool on.LOL what's really funny to us on hubby's score, is the guttas that I have pictured in tom's collection from vegas, the majority came out of England... what are the odds of finding one in old Tacoma?! heck yeah, lets go shopping! Next time I see Tom, i'll ask him to bring it, and I'll get some better pictures. BTW, it was Tom that tried to outbid us on the gutta we got from you. LOL
  15. hi, they're not rubbery at all solid and hard! the smaller ones were used in games like the general grant board types, the larger, yes, like carpet balls for indoor games.
  16. WOW you'll never believe what hubby just walked in with... check this out! all from one little shop too!
  17. hand painted Gutta sue...awesome. here's some Tom didn't get, still home where they belong...lol including the one we got from you Sue!
  18. try putting the fstop to about an 8.... I also have a mavica cd BJ. love it. but you can get it within about 6 inches if the fstop is at 11. no wash out either. I use mine at a 1600X1200. Hate to learn new tricks... will buy another just like the one I have..off ebay.lol at least I can still find them for about half the price. :-)
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