the marbles I pictured came from a 'tomb raider', as you call them. Under very dangerous conditions too. (And yeah, I do know the story behind them as well, but do not wish to make that public, as interesting as it because I promised I wouldn't) And we got these before Tim's dig.
Ron, you forgot to mention the terrible glass shards that can penetrate your hands? Heard that can be a nasty side effect! I'm afraid we would be a couple that would come back everytime to dig with you Ron. Dirty, hard, wet, sometimes cold, time consuming? yeah, we'd be back, again and again. but then we're die hard maniacs.(no kidding) Would we be disappointed if we only found a few pieces? nope... We'd love it. and be back the next day if we could.(when can we go?!)
ps. I only posted these for ID purposes...nothing more.