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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. those are spectacular!!!!!! are they for sale?? or trades? PM me?
  2. YEAH YEAH! CHECK THESE OUT! Cristmas presents from Scott (ILOVEMARBLES) green and ox alley almost 7/8", and the clear based ox alley is 11/16". dang they're purty! thanks Scott, love ya man.
  3. oh yeah.... this marble rocks! will shoot some pics to share tomrrow gang! woohoo!
  4. if you're running windows, there should be a tab on your upper task bar for spell check. you should be able to click on it and it will direct you to the download. or just google free spell check downloads!
  5. hmmm. now I am sorry I even started this thread. it wasn't intended to argue anything~ only to share. oh well, movin on...
  6. the marbles I pictured came from a 'tomb raider', as you call them. Under very dangerous conditions too. (And yeah, I do know the story behind them as well, but do not wish to make that public, as interesting as it is.lol because I promised I wouldn't) And we got these before Tim's dig. Ron, you forgot to mention the terrible glass shards that can penetrate your hands? Heard that can be a nasty side effect! I'm afraid we would be a couple that would come back everytime to dig with you Ron. Dirty, hard, wet, sometimes cold, time consuming? yeah, we'd be back, again and again. but then we're die hard maniacs.(no kidding) Would we be disappointed if we only found a few pieces? nope... We'd love it. and be back the next day if we could.(when can we go?!) ps. I only posted these for ID purposes...nothing more.
  7. boy they sure look like relatives to me.... i'll have hubby look at it tomorrow and get his input too...
  8. dang~ it could be a first! THANKS
  9. actually it has a moonie glass base! and I didn't notice that until hubby back-lit it!
  10. now I might be wrong here scott, but I believe tim's dig was slightly 'off-site'. not 'in the yard'??? These babies were found over 10 feet down on the original akro factory site. None like this were brought up with Tim's dig... they mainly found the patch types and cullet. but I have been wrong before...
  11. last I heard, if you got caught diggin, it's a 1000. fine and jail time.
  12. How'd ya know Steve? who told?!
  13. have a GREAT Birthday! there seems to be a lot of sagittarians around. lol
  14. here's some early akros... all from one dig.
  15. this marble is over 100 years old... I guess a german named Scott could've made it... or wilhelm, or adolf..
  16. well, yeah I knew german,(lol) but since you have studied so much about this type Scott, I was hoping you had nailed down an area? And I know how long you have investigated the old germans, and extensively!
  17. yep the oxblood and eggyolk is proudly displayed in the large case!
  18. i'll show ya it's sister when ya come over scott....lol Leo specializes in the HTF, especially dug akros. and yeah a lot of those akros look like cac's or mfcs.
  19. Al made a good observation that the one we had picked for the xmas marble would be confused with a jabo, so how about this one gang? kinda covers some of the suggestions.... lavender '9', single ground pontil 2 color on clear, semi-butterfly... and it's mint too.
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