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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. nope... ya gotta see us first Steve!!! and one of our daughters, amy, is coming too!
  2. my guess is that's NOT the smugglers blues..... looks like big time drug money to me... am I right?
  3. not mine (I friggin wish!)...LOL! if it was mine, you couldn't pry it out of my cold dead fingers!
  4. ok ya got me Kevin... this taterbug just has a butt load of patterning!
  5. rofllllllll.... well dang, that's what hubby called it! ok, where did I mess up? (ps. I just listed it)
  6. NEWS FLASH JUST IN! I have had a few people ask (well more than a few) if the red indian I have pictured will be available in vegas... the answer is YES! it will be there! this marble is approx 1 1/2". it's not small, and it's not cheap, but if you're hedging on comeing and are looking for the 'good stuff' it's gonna be there!!
  7. that is one kick butt paperweight! I think most of us have a paperweight or two... we do!
  8. look kinda jabo to me.............from about 3 or 4 years ago?
  9. very good point. our little boy likes to read over our shoulder sometimes too.
  10. lol didn't we buy that one from you for about 600.?
  11. Hi Ruth... they are made from Gutta Percha. very old. lots of people call them paper mache marbles. We had a 4 page article on them in our news letter a year or so back.
  12. I know there's some blue and green lovers out there! zaboo aution
  13. LOL dunno Sue, I just think they look flamey... the last two are gutta percha. thought they would be fun for a non-flame! But techinically I would have to say no. but as I sit here watching monday night football in front of a rip roarin fireplace, I have to say they do have similar qualities...
  14. last year we started sunday morning at the mandalay bay, started walking through all the casinos, one by one, one after another, only on ONE side of the strip. did the shops inside everyone too, well quite few anyway. Did the moving statues in Caesar's again... and kept going we finally ended up down at circus circus before we caught a taxi back to the strip... at 8pm! and you sure don't want to miss the water cannon show at the mirage either! The freemont experience is a blast. there's even street vendors at night...painters etc. Love the nugget too. there's a couple killer restaurants in there now since they remodeled. with a shark tank that has a water slide tube going thru it! FUN FUn Fun! We will be staying a week. The show and in-room is great, but then we like to 'go play' all day. Come find us, we'll give you a list of stuff to find and do! and we still have a HUGE list of our own we haven't gotten through! Disneyland for adults....
  15. thanks! and I really like the black base one ya got there. it's accent lines are kinda like mirrored flames...
  16. thanks, here's a couple non cac's that are fun too...
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