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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. killer pics Catfish! nice stuff!
  2. hey gang... the owner of this fine marble called me yesterday and he is selling off his collection and will be at Vegas. Those of you that know Tom, know he has killer stuff! Can't wait! he said he has over 500 popeyes! many fine one of a kind handmades too! If anyone is even thinking about coming.... get off the fence!
  3. alright!!!!! fun times!!! i missed you Jo!! it will be great to see EVERYONE!! Sami~ where ya been!!! WOOOHOOO But it won't be the same without you Bo! You will be missed!!!!!! but we'll all keep ya updated!!
  4. Just for fun on ebay!! My linklink
  5. well crap Windy... looks like you and I will be having ALL THE FUN!
  6. can't wait to see you girlfriend!! ***hugs***
  7. thanks! yep all in last one akros. I probably should have put the second one in the diaper folds thread...
  8. nope, it's not a head to head, it a casual. I join a public, set defaults. honest! LOL! but like I said it's all for fun. the figuring the scoring drives me crazy is all, because I am simply used to the easier method. injuries seem to already be a major problem! dang! loved the game last bight BTW. Brett was as talented as always!
  9. omg! that's wayy to much.. lol yep next year head to head. really easy for scoring.... honest. about 25% of that list. but it's all in fun anyway. my team sucks this year and I haven't had time to delve into repair.... yet!
  10. that's interesting... how did you find that out? and did they get the mold from akro or did akro get the alley mold? as my oxblood thumb pots, like the ones shown in the akro book, are identical molds.
  11. I believe the thimb pots are 1 1/4 tall. sorta hard to find. the green ones marked brown and corwin seem to be the most common. the oxblood ones are really tough to find.(I'll go measure later) ~D
  12. hi! akro's fluorescent ades were their early moss swirls. start out as a cork, but at one pole swirls off. they are really not a corkscrew. the next ades made were the patches. but they also made fluorescent corks, true corks. confusing huh? lol
  13. their whole system sucks! after 11 years on ebay... I get a negative.(its in an old thread here) Cuz the %^#@**^ didn't think I shipped fast enough, even tho all my ads say I ship ONCE a week. I shipped his within 3 business days. had NO problem with the marble, and he still got it within a weeks end of auction, sends me nasty emails, gives me a neg. and ebay doesn't do crap except lower my rating. yep. they suck, and since sellers can't leave feedback thats accurate, except positive, you really have NO idea what kind of a nut case you could be dealing with.I'm sure anyone that's been on greedbay for any length of time, now realizes their feedback system leaves you open to extortion from basket case buyers. and if you are a power seller, which I have been off and on, it (the rating numbers) determines how much of a discount you get on their already way too high fees. So some loser that's in need of mental help can mess up your overall stats on the bay. and shocker that I know you understand, ebay DOESN'T CARE! So with that in mind, i am no longer a power seller, and don't care. LOL! If I qualify now and then fine, but I sure as heck don't follow their requirements to get there! All they care about is their $$. greedbay....
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