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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. here's a great piece of history on the YoYo. yoyos! history
  2. never heard a yoyo called a flying disk... the original frisbees were called pluto platters.
  3. woohoo! congrats Ron....No more excuses for not comin wayyy out west to see us! LOL!!! on the lighter side... the city of Dupont is only about 20 minutes away.. heehee. I don't think we have 3 eyed fish there......maybe!
  5. the one on the left is actually an orange red, very electric. and the dark looks black in hand. only the flash brings out it's true coloring. glad we could help!
  6. here ya go... i think the one on the left is more of a cyclone, the right cobra. hope this helps.
  7. check your PM kevin... I LOVE the scotty dog!!!!too cool! we certanly seem to have a lot in common... and I have found that almost all marble collectors also collect other things! maybe that would be a fun new thread! what else does everyone collect besides the little round glass balls? Nope Ann, you're not weird at all! LOL!
  8. red horse bag.... yes it is real. old mobil gas give away. Al has a bag too.
  9. they look wrong cuz they are!! and they are NEW!!!! what an idiot...the appraiser not the seller. isn't the first time I have seen bad appraisals on the roadshow..
  11. i think INHO is used as a courtesy, so as not to hurt anyones feelings... am I right? kinda interesting no one thought of that..
  12. lol! when ya find them again, give me a yell!! and a list of what else you collect. sounds like our house.... something different on every floor and room. it was hard to have a simple guest room. the music room doubles sometimes as a guest room tho. Alan B. loved that room. it's almost entirely 1960's to 70's stuff.(rat finks stuff, old original posters. cocal cola stuff, literally thousands of LP's)... god yes, it is everywhere!heehee
  13. yep... kinda like the 'red horse' mesh bags....these have no manufacturers marks either, but obviously Vitro...
  14. wow Don, you and hubby could probably talk about yoyos for hours! lol and you know exactly what he's looking for!!!!
  15. hey steph, nice pics and thread! but one thing I would add... the early Akro mosses were moss swirls. not patches. the same patterning you might see in lemonade oxbloods etc.
  16. edna, I know ya have one buttermilk, ya got it from me.lol
  17. I don't think it is Kevin, sorry. maybe.... hard to say not in hand, but i have not seen a buttermilk with that type of clear cut patch and ribbon.
  18. and it's candy apple red!!! wooho weldon!! when ya going to get some metal flake flames put on it?! no wheelie poppin!
  19. dunno,sometime between now and the first real games begin. it's no big deal steph. i am inanother league too. I usually join several. it's free and fun is all. it only takes abot 5 minutes a week to change players. i don't get why others don't join. everybody has time to read the boards, and that takes more time than the football would.lol
  20. i am bumping this!!! come on gang, one more! if we don't get one more, I will leave so the league can at least play. I can't believe there just isn't one more person that would help us out. DON'T WHIMP OUT!
  21. not sure on the HTF factor on the opaques... we have some big ones, having not studied that, I cannot answer, but I am betting they too are a rarity. the big helmets are really awesome in hand!
  22. lol! our house has been called 'the museum' for years... there's 'stuff' everywhere. hubby lOves those yoyos, so I thought what the heck! maybe someone has some for trades, or may find some!
  23. does anyone have yoyos like these they would want to trade? mainly the duncan confetti's
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