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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. very nice!! great to see you again! ~Dani
  2. this was a blast, but back to work I go!
  3. awesome marbles gang! I just dowloaded 135 pictures and I didnt get to the masters, or the peltiers... did I say it was going to take 2 hours? what a dreamer I was on that estimate! LOL but hey THIS IS FUN! ps. GREAT pictures Carole!
  4. ok, before I spend the next 2 hours taking pictures of purple marbles, thought I'd start with my fav. purple contemps.
  5. sorry no sunshine, but here's pic. as promised. BTW blue and green lovers~~eat your hearts out. LOL!
  6. I will post a picture tomorrow. I think your thoughts on how they may have done this could be on target. I have seen more than one though, so I am also wondering if they were an experimental or just a limited run thing.
  7. and absolutely prooves that those are indeed akro.( some have questioned that...not us) it looks like the aventurine was sprayed on with a paint can doesn't it? that's how ours looks too!
  8. better question... who didnt have a pistachio? LOL
  9. I posted on the other two boards... about our links to patry, our fun with marbles for many years etc. but after reflecting on her passing for a couple of days, I can honetly say it's incomprehensible how much she will be missed! such a kind spirit. we were hoping the new medications she was going to be taking in an experimental program she told us about would help. But happy that in the last few years, she'd gotten a few mibs from us that she just 'had to have' for her VAST collection. years ago she was kind enough to let us have some from her collection that we just HAD to have. lol and the circle of friendship with Patry will never be broken. ... our thoughts and prayers are with her family, and all our 'marble family' in this time of loss and sorrow. 'til we meet again ...
  10. thanks Bob! took me about 10 minutes. I dont use photoshop. I use arcsoft photostudio 5.5 once you figure it out, it does just about everything except the dishes.LOL! as for balance. i think most anyone that knows me would tend to lean toward 'unbalanced'. heeheee ~Dani ps. my favorite picture is the opening page of mt St Helens erupting marbles on our website...(gotta scroll down a bit) check it out. it will be gone very very soon. actually it should already be history. I am working on a new page for the vegas show... coming soon..as they say iamc website
  11. where does one start on this?? or end??
  12. I got this email last night... so well put I just cut and pasted it. Joe will be missed. Joe died on May 28th. He was well known as joble on ebay and was very proud of his 100% posistive feedbacks with well over 1800 inputs. When I spoke to Joe a short time before his death, he told me he had no regrets and felt that he lived a full and happy life. However, that still does not make me feel any better for his passing. What a great man he was! I offered to drive Joe to Mike’s OC Show this year and I would have been pleased to push Joe around in a wheel chair but he was a proud man and declined my offer. Although, he was very sorry that he could not attend a show so close to us. Thank You. Jim
  13. thanks steve for the date. I'll have the box at the IAMC marble spectacular in july. For show... Ernie
  14. hey Al, looks like the same box! ours doesn't have any side printing tho. Talked to Claudia. they ahve one that was mailed to CO. date is approx very early 1920's. (could even be late teens. ) thanks Al!
  15. i've sent an email to Roger and Claudia asking the same questions on packaging. will let y'all know what I hear back. i really like the part that says 'glass balls for every purpose'. definately not an imperial box. this is really thick cardboard with metal side clips. wish it had the full amount of the cardinal reds. they're assorted sizes too.
  16. we'd never seen a box like this, has anyone else?
  17. I think we did! I think I remember you coming into our hospitality suite ~ right?
  18. does the aventurine in that green one look like it was sprayed on the surface? if it does, it's akro,(we didn't picture any of our akro) if not, could be master or champion.
  19. here's some of our aventurines... the last picture shows the smallest. the peewee green is actually green and white on a clear base! ~E
  20. Hi, I think you misunderstood me, I also have akro peewees, but they were not a mass production item as they would have had to be to be boxed in games. A lot of the peewees were dug, some were not, and some were polished down by the old diggers years ago. good akro peewees are hard to come by. even nice 9/16" corks are a great little prize. and they're all treasured marbles by akro collectors!
  21. I dont believe those peewees are akro. they didn't mass produce peewees. peewees were usually accidental. i'd stick with them being master. FWIW
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