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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. maybe they jusy kept it 'prize name' marbles. lol
  2. Lee's had this box in his collection for awhile. he did not fill, it is how he got it. and I agree with Art! well said. ~D
  3. zaboo

    Paper Mache

    yeah Sue, the one pictured is the one we got from you! good eye!!
  4. zaboo

    Paper Mache

    in our research we actually cut one in half. ( no it wasn't that hard to sacrifice one for info) I'm not sure who ever named them papermache... probably for lack of a better name, or better knowledge maybe. but the ones we're all looking at here are made of the gutta percha. I'll mail you off the article this week Steph.
  5. zaboo

    Paper Mache

    Hi Steph, we had a 3 page article on them in our last newsletter. :-) I'll make sure you get one... if you'd like. ~D.
  6. This is a tough one. I had to stop and think... do you mean old or contemp? anyway it was STILL tough... hre's a few of our fav handmades, the black core on the top gets a little lost on a black background, but you get the picture right? lol now if you want contemps.... i'll have to ponder that one next!
  7. I know it's an ewwww... but also used to roll the caskets into mausoleums. guess that goes with Galens moving heavy objects. foot massages........
  8. zaboo

    Marble Jewelry!!

    the first necklace is indeed similar to some I have also seen. I have a neat one, if I get time will post. the marbles I have seen in the older type necklaces of this type have all been peltier marbles. since these necklaces are from about the late 1930's it would be impossible to say for sure who made the peewees, as they could have been replaced by the owner to match an outfit!
  9. hi sue... we use to have a huge salt water fish tank, loved having it too... we had a couple very large handmade ribbon cores that had cerainly seen better days, so we put them in the tank. they looked gorgeous! when I would clean the tank, I'd just sorta wipe them off under water, never took them out. after 8 years a well meaning person bought me a fish, it had something nasty that killed my entire tank (sniff!) talk about seeing hundred dollar bills floating... ewww. anyway we took the marbles out not thinking much about them at the time and put them in the kitchen window for sun catchers. noticed about a week later they had shattered, but from the inside out. kinda like a car window breaks in those little weird shaped pieces? only they were still whole. it was amazing. the only thing we could contribute it to was the years in the synthetic salt.
  10. we have a bowl of what we call 'distinguished shooters'. they have stories to tell. BUT that's just how I feel about polished marbles. and they look terrific in a gold fish bowl.lol but never ever put marbles in a salt water fish tank.. ewww bad berries! ultimately, they're yours to enjoy however you feel is best! i only had one marble polished in over 20 years, and only because it was so surface damaged I couldn tll what it was!! turned out to be a black and white ribbon with latticino core. I still have it... somewhere....
  11. I'd also leave 'em be. my reasoning is simple. polishing greatly dcreases the value. and eventually they'll be worth more simply because of appreciation over time, where in the last 20 years I have seen polished handmades (which was perfectly acceptable at the time to have polished) go down down down in value because of the polishing. enjoy them for what they are. IMHO
  12. brass polish is ok, just be careful not to rub too hard as it will scratch. just a nice gentle sheen is good. too much and you'll not see the patterning as well if ya know what I mean. heck dont worry about some of the slightly darker areas below the top pattern. it'll drive ya nuts... been there done that.lol
  13. we have one like it carole, and they're COOL! love that color! and dont over polish. they didnt come overly shiny. I think it looks just perfecto!
  14. cooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! ~D
  15. I think that is incredible! but it looks like a cased clambroth,(imho) rather than a gooseberry. I always thought the gooseberries were on an amber to green transparent base. just a thought, but it is totally awesome!! wish I could find something like that in the wild. wow!
  16. where's my hammer??????????????????????
  17. zaboo


    happy friday all. for those in the Great Northwest, the IAMC get-together is tomorrow. come if you can! I was looking at some of my file pictures and thought I'd throw one on... so lets see your fav corks!!
  18. i'm crackin up here roger... glad ya liked the rare totally tubular mib.lol

  19. yep, popeye on fluorescent base glass. more common in green and yellow popeyes.
  20. zaboo


    very cool sue! I use to do needwork too!! nice job!! ps... the dragonfly is our state bug.lol
  21. zaboo


    deep purple Carole. hey here's a cateye Ro made back in the 1970's! heeheee (no kidding!)
  22. zaboo


    I don't know if I ever posted this. sorry for the repeat if I did. while it's not real flashy, this is a one of a kind that Ro made for our daughter's 21st birthday... she loves dragonflies. there's over 300 dragonflies in it.
  23. zaboo


    oh Sue, you would love it! they have a huge wild life preserve that runs next to their property. no neighbors, on an island, so you get to take a beautiful ferry ride to get to it. and maybe you'd get to see Ro's shop. not the glass shop, his 'other' shop too. Ro and Renee are such fun! it would indeed be a wonderful vacation spot! you can even go on 'whale watching' boat cruises... quaint little shops and towns. ahhhh it's nice there.
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