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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. hey steph.... some of the mibs don't look right... and the bag is not akro.
  2. got ours from roger, but if memory serves ( and sometimes it doesn't) it was well over 10 years ago..... they're very cool!! they almost always have annealing problems. maybe that's why they dumped them. glass difficulties.
  3. commonly refered to as an akro pink experimental...
  5. OMG! how could you forget that beauty!? ps. put it under a blacklite..........
  6. ahh the Charles Challenge. knuckles down trophy ashtray a couple pins with a 5/8" marble to show size.. teeny Pelt peewees! peewee slags childs ABC bowl (dresden)
  7. hey looks familiar Bill! only ours is a flue cover!
  8. Very sad to hear.... oddly enough my maiden name is 'Sweet'...( no joke) I often wondered if we were related.. even weirder is my brothers name is also Bill... ~Dani
  9. gorgeous little dude!!!!
  10. cool Patry!! hope you're stayin warm in all that cold nasty weather!! E&D
  11. there's an update on marble mental..... not good..... has anyone heard anything new??
  12. thanks for posting this. all our thoughts and prayers... please do keep us all informed. guy bought quite a lot of marbles from us when we first started ebay, but I can't remember his user name (gettin old!) could someone refresh my memory please? D.
  13. thanks so much Al!! very much appreciated! Stan touched the lives of absolutely everyone he met. I am sure of that now. d.
  14. Not sure there's adequate words to write here..... Sami, can't begin to espress our loss as well as our sympathies for you. We know what close freinds you were. Norm made the seattle show a couple years back, since Norm couldn't fly, Sami drove all the way up here so Norm could come. That's a greeat friendship. (I have frequently pictured some of his fabulous collection on our website.) for those that didnt know Norm, he was about as nice a guy as you'd ever meet. and as honest as the day is long. please relay our our deepest sympathies to the family too. E&D vegas 2005....
  15. thanks for that link al. but I cant access it, darn! here's a couple pictures as promised. these were taken after the Seattle show, 2004. playing with marbles with hubby and julie... he was so dang much fun to be around.
  16. we just got the very sad news that Stan Brown was killed in an auto accident yesterday. anyone that collected marbles or went to shows here in the west, knew Stan brown. He loved the marbles and the people as much as anyone could. he shared his enthusiasm with children and adults alike. I have some pictures of Stan in a file somewhere, I will find and post tomorrow. Children knew Stan as 'the marble man'. with his top hat, infectious smile, and specialty marbles, he was always surrounded by kids. And he loved to teach kids how to play! He will be deeply missed. E&D
  17. and why would anyone wanat to look at a marble under 50X??? but I will... lets see, camera has a 10Xmacro, and 10X digital zoom, can enlarge 4 times at a shot thru my camera.... hmm m yep I can get there no problem. wanna send me that marble Jon? LOL!!! now I will go experiment.... bwaaahahaaaaaaaaa.........
  18. omg Galen, that IS your longest post ever!!! BTW, we agreed with everything you said... nicely stated too!! E&D
  19. actually this time we were both looking at it. hows condition? now we're excited! lol E&D
  20. interesting that you would take an email comment over a phone conversation. lol one other little point to note. it says it in the paper work, but ace's have a translucent 'moonie' base. that's what makes the difference in a lot of instances of iD. and gee 'fluorescent', thanks for correcting my spelling. I spelled it that way for a reason, and I dont make up names to list on ebay either, if that's what you were implying. and I'll ask around at a marble show, good idea. like this week? off to pack, y'all have a good week. we're outta here.... woohooooooo
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