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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. zaboo


    Ro's new line is awesome. for those that are not IAMC members (and why not!?) our glass artists of the year this year was Ro purser. we had the marbles you see pictured, along with others, Ro's glass studio, and an interview with Ro to top it off, all in one newsletter.(y'all missed out!) we have spent many hours at Ro's and it's truly amazing. we're a couple of the very fortunate few that have seen his works before and after and been in the 'masters' studio. (and our lips are sealed!!) lol and where Alan was talking 'time'? Ro worked on this line for over 6 months before it was introduced. we always have tons of fun at Ro's, and it was really great to share all of it with our members. and yep it dives into the 'glass art' catagory, as Ro's works can be found in the Mirage in vegas along with chihuli's works.
  2. zaboo


    and in some cases, what you can afford! LOL! they can get very pricey! (but gorgeous!!) we also have quite a few contemps. totally agree with alan, hard to picture and always best in hand.
  3. very small hole in spinner cup..
  4. for sizes, the plungers varied, but for size indications, the spinner cup is 2" wide and 2 1/4" tall, the funnel is 6". i think it would be safe to say that since the plungers came in different sizes that the funnels may have too.
  5. here's a picture of a funnel, 2 plungers, one unused and a spinner cup. (from our collection) the spinner cup is one of the ones pictured in Hardy's book. the spinner cups were made at the national carbon works in clarksburg,WV.
  6. just a little ps to that... it's my understanding that the entire ite is now fenced with razor wire and diggers caught.. 1000.00 fine and jail time.
  7. we have had a running article on corks in the IAMC newsletter this past year. guess what? it came out 50-50. one of our members 'onebloomranch' ebay user name, did an in depth study enlisting the help of other members. while it was interesting which type of corks twisted one way more often, the final count evened out the same. so your estimate is correct steph!
  8. zaboo

    Master Shooters

    if you threw that purple master into a tub, ya aint gettin no more! LOL!
  9. zaboo

    Master Shooters

    I think you have 3 of the 1" and the purple on you have john, I believe it is a purple base isnt it? LOL!!!!!
  10. zaboo

    Master Shooters

    now I know john has a purple, cuz I know where he got it some time back.lol
  11. zaboo

    Oxblood Vs Red

    ohhh sure Dan... make us all droool over the green one! LOL!
  12. zaboo

    Oxblood Vs Red

    texture. oxblood,the best way I can describe it, is that it looks like 'liquid brick'. unless it is stretched thin, no light goes thru it either. do you have any oxbloods?
  13. glad I was of some help! and sure pat, feel free to use the pics. thanks for askin! ps... sorry I missed that post elizabeth... crap i must have been workin on some dang contest ...
  14. the basic difference when you have one in hand is the glass. slags are the earlier glass, so they are as a rule deeper and a more true color. here's a few I grabbed for pic... left side slags, right transparent swirls. also... the transparent swirls had a lot more color control in the glass... so you'll see like patternings, where as the slags are more of a random pattern with the white. does that make sense to you? hard to describe.. but yu can tell the difference when they're in front of you side by side. and if it helps, I have seen several 'seasoned' collectors make mistakes on what they say are 'slags'. ps nice group Dan!
  15. zaboo

    Vitro Names?

    maybe I missed it but did anyone mention the buttermilks?
  16. dang toots, ya don't remember the ones in our case in the living room? LOL. ya think maybeeeeeeee ya mighta seen some somewhere else?? heeheeheee.. seriously, we have seen a few in collections that were found in the wild. hubby thinks they were out there, but nothing in any great volumes. and a couple we aquired were not dug. prehaps a limited production line? but we still think the majority out there were probably dug. and what else ya hidin??? :ph34r: come on, lets see....
  17. hi scott.. it is actually olly olly oxen free... this si what I found out.. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown, but etymologists suspect it is a childish corruption of a phrase that would have made more sense in the Hide-and-seek context; such as "all ye, all ye, oxen free!", "all in free", "out’s in free", "all set free", "All ye all ye outs in free", "All ye, all ye, outs are free", or "All the, all the outs in free"; or possibly a corruption of the German "Alle, alle auch sind frei", (literally, "Everyone, everyone also is free"). I vote for the latter definition... right willie? LOL! and thanks roger. I just grabbed some file stuff. and thanks for the idea!
  18. ok Roger, just for you...LOL go to website...click on the Misc. tab.... IAMC
  19. i'll put it on the 'to-do' list roger! great suggestion. this week I am swamped with getting the newsletter done... maybe next week? but I sure could put a few pictures under Misc. if that would work for y'all. lol hi paula, no those are opaque. the one is the mib charles had on a few months back... hmmm imagine that! we were all trying to figure out what it was at the time. in hand it was easier to ID. some of them have a little clear, but not where you can see thru them backlit. ~D
  20. thanks! there's a few there that are oxbloods, that years back one would swear were akro...ahhh education is a wonderful ongoing thing!
  21. hiya lloyd! now that's some straight info from the man that knows!! hugs to schultzie! ~dani
  22. nothin wrong with those pic's carole, gorgeous!!
  23. I think we have one... i will try to find.... galen, are those catalin? i have never seen the ring set in a trifari box...too cool. could you take a picture of the ring from the side? is it a lot different from the ones sold thru avon?
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