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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. that's my question to the jabo experts. why is it or why isn't it. maybe I should have it in the ID section.
  2. nice.., then my point was made but are you sure? or are you saying alley because we believed it to be alley?
  3. so you don't think this one could be confused either then?
  4. always great to see ya CT! she'll be on her way!! thanks!
  5. happy belated Bo! hope it was GREAT!
  6. i may not have sold patry hers... that's not my picture for sure. wrong lights. but I know in the past 10+ years selling on ebay that I have sold a couple like it. I think the name sure fits. everytime I look at it, I think of a grapefruit hard candy. lol
  7. oh no. you do lamp finials too??!! god we just bought another one yesterday.. then there's the slag glass knobs for like spiffy radio dials.... it doesn't end ya know.....
  8. thanks! I really enjoy doing marble pictures. and after over 5000 sales on ebay, you'd think I'd be sick of it. LOL! i do remember the one now. unfortunately I don't save the ebay pictures a lot. I'm just glad Patry enjoyed it. she got some of our best stuff over the years. i will keep an eye out for one for you tho!
  9. Hi! i'm not sure if Patry got that from me or not.... unfortunately all those file pictures are long gone. do you remember how long ago that was? patry got quite a few cool marbles from me. sure miss her.
  10. hi Ron.the flatter ones can also be shift knobs. there were a couple varieties. the suicide knobs are smaller for the stearing wheel, and usually not glass. mostly catalin or bakelite. what is confusing is there are also glas finials for the smokers stands that look like shift knobs. but are usually a translucent glass base, although not always, a bit smaller, and the threading is differest as well. the new ones are made in china.. sorry sue.lol'I had this picture on file from a discussion on the akro ashtrays... but you can see a few of the gear shift knobs.. hope this helps a little.
  11. great story Lloyd, but I have to admit. I just kept looking at that gorgoeus Fritz the pup avatar!
  12. just accidental folds and swirling. IMHO
  13. the red bleeds into a pink and plum that washed out in pic.s but you get the idea?
  14. was this ever a fun package to open! all totally mint... had to share.
  15. personally, I got a great morning laugh out of her listing a fiber optics marble under vintage handmades..
  16. our sincerest, heart felt condolences Chuck, we always enjoyed seeing your dad. Glad he was able to attend vegas a couple years back. Ernie & Dani
  17. Our most Sincerest condolences Chuck. As you said... a better place... Ernie & dani
  18. hi! we've collected them for many years. and yeah they are being reproduced. before buying, one, they need to be as close to perfect as possible. 2, you can easily tell the new ones from the old ones by the threaded insert. the new ones are shiny bright aluminum. usually. the prices they fetch depends on the patterning and the number of colors used. these knobs were never original equipment either. they were an after market accessory. hope this helped a little.
  19. i hear ya sue! I had a swirl pulled because i used a question mark as to maker in the title! now there's tons of marble listings with question marks in the titles since then. I figure someone had nothing better to do that gripe about my listing...(and yeah I'm pretty sure I know who it was).
  20. at this moment there's 144 listings for new jabo under 'vintage'. a bit excessive ...
  21. I agree Galen! what you didn't mention is that it's the seller's responsibility to list their stuff in the correct catagory. That's ebay's rules not mine. In fact I was lamenting about the exact same thing yesterday. as you know, we have lots of contemp marbles (love them) and jabos too. but I am also sick to death of seeing new marbles under vintage. Maybe Ebay will start paying attention and pulling the auctions that are mis-catagorized. they can and will do it if they see it. there is a place for these marbles... and it's not under 'vintage'. I understand why sellers list them under vintage, it's to simply get people to look at them and hopefully buy a couple, but that doesn't make it correct.
  22. hey Steve... here's addy Jean Gardner 1172 North Riverview Reedley, CA 93654
  23. Sad news... Dave Gardner passed way tuesday. it was unexpected.although his wife said he had been having some health issues for those that didn't know dave, he was a super guy, with super marbles, and he will be deeply missed. Our sincerest condolences to his family. E&D
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