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Everything posted by Pene-lope

  1. Awe, now stop pickin on poor ole Pinkie, she has been with me through think and thin, p.... well you must know the rest of that line. Pen
  2. Ok I'm in. He added 28 marbles since the first auction, another bag and a book. So... because he keeps increasing I say lets double the addition, make it 189 marbles, Two marble bags and some other type of marble parifanaila perhaps a shooter or a gameboard and an antique pricelist. In of course a bigger cigar box, no wait a reproduction uneeda bisquit tin. and 4 salted marbles. hmm do they taste like salted nuts? Pen
  3. I am thoroughly entracned with the 7up photos. Amazing.
  4. Oh how lovely, looks like some rare and exotic thing from the depths of the ocean. Who made it and how old is it? Pen
  5. The pictures are amazing. Thank you. My mom, as I recall, only like to fry cats as the clarity showed up the crackle effect best. Maybe nothing too spectacular got fried. I have two huge at least an inch that were part of the mouse also. Those damn mice were the tackiest things, she would glue those little googly eyes on them. I was always so offended by them I would take them apart as fast as she could make them. I was a teenager, what if a friend came over and saw the damn things.
  6. Thanks, Hot Damn I have one of those, but my mother fried it about 30 years ago and turned it into a mouse. I dismemebered the mouse, but it is still the ruination of a perfectly innocent marble.
  7. OH MY! I feel like I should just put my tail between my legs and slink away quietly clutching my beat to hell two tone blue alley slag. Love that sulphid and I don't even like sulphids Pen
  8. I am pretty much speechles by the amount of marbles you have. I have like 30 and think that is a big deal, how humbling. Can I ask how long you have been collecting, so I can figure out when I will hit critical mass and have to get a bigger place. Pen
  9. OK I will flaunt my ignorance, what are HORSESHOE cats. I looked at all the pics and can't figure it out. Not even a little, splain please. Pen
  10. Yeah, pink kinda gets me going also. But I am very partial to the calico in the second pic. Does she have a special name?
  11. I have never really had an appreciation for cats. But those in the camel box are starting to change my mind. So are some of the others you've posted. I have to know are those antique cookies in the third pic behind the camel box. All I ever really think about is food. Pen
  12. Florinated or sensative teeth, gel or regular? What about mango orange flavor? does it have to be minty what do the marbles prefer? How about lazy people like me too much effort to swish them around in my mouth what about popping them in a glass of efferdent?
  13. Someone found all their marbles! SOMEONE FOUND ALL THEIR MARBLES!! I wish I could find all my marbles . . . then I could get off the damn the unhappy pills. I am also very envious of foaling season. I miss foaling season. My last crop of foals was several years ago, thought I was nuts playing with horses, probably more nuts playing with marbles. Oh well, take up less space and cheaper to feed. Pen
  14. Novice, I'll own that, much less pretentious then neophyte and doesn't sound half as stupid as newbie. Artifacts, thought that is what you would call them, When you look at x-rays and those little spots turn up they are refered to as artifacts. Pen Oh great car, you will think more of it when it is done,the wind is blowing your hair back and you are wearing a great Jackie O. scarf and big sunglasses. Is it going to be candy apple red?
  15. Can't sleep tonight might as well learn about marbles. Ok that is what I thought because the one on the right has what seems to me Jabo's almost signature green brown mix with some blue and pink thrown in. What are the dings in it, are they as made marks or just photo artifacts? Thanks Pen
  16. OK folks news flash here. I am a neophyte to marbles -hate the word newbie- am I gonna make mistakes about the marbles I may buy in the future. Yep, I sure will, everyone made mistakes in the beginning. Nobody came brandy new to marbles and never made a mistake. And if you didn't well I bet you have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. I AM AN ADULT! Stop acting like my parent. Stop exclaiming, Oh my a newbie could mistake this one. What if a newbie made a mistake with something like this. I can worry about myself and make my own mistakes. I am going to make mistakes, I expect to. What nicer marbles to make mistakes over? I will only spend what I can afford. I look at marble collecting like gambling and I will only bet on my new found knowledge what I can afford to loose. How about this looks like this, isn't that neat. Or wow can you believe this it's damn close, glad it has adventurine, or mica or what ever distinctive feature it has. That is what I am doing and soaking up everything like a sponge that is practical and furthers my knowledge. Thank you to those who are spending the time to write constuctivly on this thread. I am learning a lot. Pen
  17. If my opnion could count; cause I don't know nuthin about marbles. I would very much enjoy a thread such as you have suggested, please. Pen
  18. Can someone tell me is there a specific date for the Joker III run these breathtaking pink marbles are from. I need some, one. I am looking on ebay but no lovely pink so far. Thanks Pen
  19. OK since joining here I have decieded to never ever venture to buy, on my own, a marble bag, box, container of any sort. Unless I find it myself on a dump job and it is covered in 40yrs worth of cobwebs and mouse shit. So what is it about this box that is wrong. I am guessing it is very hinky? would it be the fact that it looks like a cigar box that someone transformed, they never came in a box? The marbles are wrong. The shooter looks like the end of a clarinet in need of a reed? What, someone please educate me. I await enlightenment with antcipation. Oh and where is spell check on this thing it is not my stong point but then neighter are marbles and that hasn't stopped me before either. Pen
  20. I'll chime in here. For the most part I do not like the old listed with the new. I don't mind if is says Jabo because at least then I know that it is a new marble. But on many of the others because I know nothing I am very hesitant to even consider a marble because I just don't know if it is new or old. I am getting better. But I will say this every time I see one of Tammy's Vintage Marbles that is a real beauty. I want to drive to her house where ever it is and kick her in the ass. Even to my untrained eyes they are contempoary. Then she goes on to explain that she is a marble idiot. -so why call them vintage if you know nothing and why is her moniker "tammysvintagemarble" Then to add insult to injury she finds them in her basement -how big is that damn basement? The size of the grand canyon. She must also have a very special goose in said basement that is laying vintage marble eggs. And if she is so busy digging in the basement how come she is still alive and not dead because apparently she never comes up and could not possibly have time to eat. Oh wait maybe Domino's delivers to basements also. Sorry everytime I see one of those ads it sends me on a rant. http://cgi.ebay.com/TAMMYS-VINTAGE-MARBLES-THIS-ONE-IS-A-3-4-BEAUTY_W0QQitemZ180489719668QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item2a06068f74 http://cgi.ebay.com/TAMMYS-VINTAGE-MARBLES-BEAUTIFUL-3-4-INCH-GLASS-EGG_W0QQitemZ170468436080QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item27b0b5e870 Pen
  21. I will definatly let you know how I make out. More then likely lots of drool and a wantin and a wishin. Called a friend this morning and said guess what we are doing the first week of may and you are driving. On the humor, those of us that get it really enjoy it. But many times our response is as subtle as the humor.
  22. I only live about 1.5 hours from there I am going. If I can get someone to cover for me at the farmers' market. Figure it may be quite the education.
  23. I am 90 miles NW of NYC. Jamestown could be the far side of the moon for me. Yeah there is nothing and no one around. Telling people of my obsession with marbles has opened an entirely new can of worms. I thought I had heard all the lost your marble jokes possible; being just a tad eccentric to begin with. I now have friends that are sure I have gone off the deep end calling me, laughing hysterically into the phone and saying, "yo Pen I think I may have found where you lost your marbles". One more crack like that and I swear I am going to hit someone. One of my friends even picked a moonie out of the marble bowl and said this is your brain, then they picked out the swirliest most colorful marble and said, "this is your brain on marbles" never mind where I wanted to put the marble. It is very lonely here in NY. I just keep telling myself not much competion from collectors, so I have more opportunity to find a lovely marble.
  24. I have decieded that my heart belongs to the Ally Agates. There is one on ebay at the moment I think is very pretty. I do not know enough to make a decision on more than very pretty. I do not know sellers, or even if it is an ally agate. Could someone help. I am not questioning this sellers integrety, I do not know enough to do that, but rather my own lack of knowledge. Is this marble really an ally agate and does anyone know this seller? electricmayhem75 http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Marbles-Purple-and-Tan-Alley-Agate-Swirl_W0QQitemZ220577781663QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item335b75d79f Thanks Pen
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