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Everything posted by Pene-lope

  1. I would love to go to WV in May, unfortunatly this obsession with marbles has grown out of unemployment and suddenly having the time to actually learn about and appreciate them. WV is out for me this year, but next year.... Going to try for the show in Mass. in the fall. Thank You everyone Pen
  2. I have been looking, and maybe in all the wrong places, for marble shows in NY state. Does anyone know of any or any collectors group? Thanks Pen
  3. Sue, Pen is fine. No I don't really have a background in antiques, like them a lot. One of those fortunate people who has always been able to distinguish diffrences by touch. And you are right, I don't understand how other people can't. Often when I try to explain I get looked at like I have a third eyeball in the middle of my forhead. I am also one of those annoying people that can just look down and find a four leaf clover. Maybe they go together. But I would have to "handle" a lot more marbles before I would trust myself enough to buy an expensive one without guidence. At the moment my buying logic is -is it cheap enough I won't hate myself in the morning and is it pretty enough for me to live with even if it is nothing but a pretty marble. Question on those maroon and yellow marbles is that the "9" that I keep reading about on handmade marbles.
  4. What, nobody has young kids or had young kids. PAAS, they are the company that makes the easter egg dye kits. They should be all over the place in the retail stores along with PEEPS right about now. I think it very appropriate that they should also have an egg shaped marble. Off to buy some PEEPS. No kids so no PAAS. If I see a box of the dye I will check where it is manufactured and if it is the same company.
  5. OK, I agree I need to be taken under a trust worthy wing. No fear I will mortague the farm, it is already mortagued. I wouldn't on my own ever buy an expensive marble. But can I ask a silly question here? One thing I have noticed between the new and the old is that they feel different. They just don't feel right, the old ones have a much smoother denser feel then the new marbles, somehow even the beat up ones my fingers seem to glide over. The newer ones even if they are flawless feel alomst tacky? I guess is the only way to describe what I feel. Not that I have ever had my hands on a serious reproduction. Just your average joe marbles. Does this make sense or am I deluding myself? I wish I could describe it better. I guess it is like gemstones the real deal feels cool to the touch and fakes are warmer.
  6. OK, they are very neat. You have a total marble moron here. Could someone please explain to a neophyte the difference between the reproductions and the antiques in terms I could understand and maybe see. I have no fear of ever buying a counterfit sulphid. I don't care for them and unless one pops out of the dirt at my feet I will probably never own one. But the guineas, yes indeedy, I NEEDY one of those. Badly! Thanks Pen
  7. Go to the disastrious Sunday post in this topic, there is a link to an amazing site. Has pics of those four fingers you mentioned, I need one of those and a sweet pea. The pictures are great for identification.
  8. All I can say is I am sorry your computer went wonky; but what a score for me. I have spent the last three hours at that site. I have learned more in three hours then I did in three weeks pouring over books. Taking a break for dinner and to give my eyes a rest. Will be back at it shortly. The site is amazing. It is as if the scales have fallen off my eyes.
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