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  1. Does anyone know if the Indiana Marble Club is still active?, I have Tried to Email them several times about paying for and joining the club again, but never seem to get any response. Thanks for any help Jay
  2. Thats nice........ would love to come across that. Jay
  3. The 13/16" shooter with the Angle style base and Flaming dragon Colors I call my flaming Opal........Are these a Rare style Marble, I have seen a couple of other examples in this topic, are the others a shooter size, any value guesstimations? Thanks for any input Jay
  4. here are My Favorites Thanks for showing all of yours They are great....... Jay
  5. Hey Charles That is one great marble you have there, I have one very similar, but it dosnt have as much color, just the flaming orange, I call it my flaming opal, it is 13/16" and I believe one of the rarest NLRs if not marble I have...........Thanks for showing it. Jay
  6. Thanks its been awhile scince I found some that had anything decent, The guy had 2 bags 1 with all the bennys, and another with a mixture of akros and swirls which I havent even shown ya, he said 5 bucks a bag, I quickly said OK, so I thought I was done, buutt In another area I saw 2 more bagswith the superman glowing like a million watt candle, so I said are these also 5.oo each, he said no they aresome we have had for awhile they are 10 dollars a bag, well ok. as I quickly left the flea market to look at them closer.
  7. Thanks steph, I agree on the red one, but it dosent look as dull as most clays. Jay
  8. Here is another one that was in the bunch that I liked
  9. Here is a nice one I picked up today , is this Cyan?, I always said Aqua, but htis has some streaks of oxblood in it.
  10. This represents the best and most decent marbles i have found other than ebay in about two years, mot of them are not mint and obviously alot of bennies, and this is only half of them. but the lot was only 30.00 and i got a NM+ 5/8" peltier superman, a nice 7/8" corn husk, some nice salgs and corks. also what I think is a mint CAC american agate. I a wondering about the red one in with the benningtons, i think it is a Bennington or a nice glazed baked clay.
  11. Heres one I have had for awhile , never seen anoter, its for sale or trade if interested
  12. Those are really nice, they look alot like a champion I bought a few years back that I thought was CAC, Very nice Jay
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