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Everything posted by stacyw

  1. Thanks for the encouragement! Playing with Photoshop is fun but I need to learn how to take the pictures. The ones you posted today are awesome too. Cats and Marbles - life is good. Stacy
  2. Hi all, I was so blown away by BT's photo that I couldn't wait to try it with one of mine. Of course my photography is poor - it's the "hand held digital on the picnic table variety". I really enjoy the creative marble photos and look forward to seeing more of them and to learning better methods. Cheers, Stacy
  3. Thanks so much guys! I appreciate the welcome. Stacy
  4. Thanks David! I wasn't expecting any id's from the photo - just wanted to give a general idea of the numbers and variety. Already culled out are those with serious damage or internal fractures. I agree that there are no real "high-flyers" although there are some less common ones and some that might fill in some gaps in someone else's collection. And then of course there are a few that just "speak" to me. I'm starting out by pulling out the Vitro's because there are lots of them and they're relatively easy to identify. I'll post some of them tomorrow. Stacy
  5. Hello all, I have been poring over this board for a couple of weeks and it's time to come out of "lurkdom". Although I have been entranced by marbles forever, I have never really studied or collected them. As fate would have it, I recently rescued a large container of marbles from my late in-law's house which was being emptied. The last time any marbles could have been added was the late 1960's or very early 70's at the latest. My initial idea was to just sell them but of course that plan was abandoned and now I'm looking toward selling some to finance collecting more. So, here are a few of my initial questions: Is it acceptable to ask for value estimates on this board? What do you think of EBay as a sales tool? How does one determine condition? I've been reading up on the subject but it's very confusing. I look forward to corresponding with you very knowledgeable folks and hope you will be patient with my "newbie-ness". Good evening, Stacy
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