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Everything posted by stacyw

  1. Some folks say that all the fruits and nuts are on the West Coast but all the vegetables must be there too!
  2. Here's my example, a little late. The photos are poor but this may be why they call it a "blue devil", because it's a "devil" to photograph. Mine has a little "tornado" action going on inside where the purple stretches from top to bottom through the center. Stacy
  3. hey Steve... How cool to see you in this video! Now I can say I bought some marbles from a gen-u-wine movie star! Stacy
  4. Wow! Isn't marble mail the best? Your kitty has her own tin of marbles? That's sweet. Ever since one of mine picked up a marble in her mouth and carried it downstairs,we have a new rule, "no cats in the marbles". I just have to say that and the paw retracts. Stacy
  5. Good Evening, Going through some marbles last night, I found this Pelt with two bubbles that looks remarkably like an eye with a tear. Thinking of all the posts about the loss of Alan Basinet, I thought there might be someone who would like this marble as sort of a remembrance of his passing. If anyone wants it, please pm me and I will send it at my own expense. Stacy
  6. Hi Folks, When sorting through a couple of buck Ebay handful, I looked over a plain "black" one to see if it went in the opaque or clearie jar. To my surprise, I spied a faint "9" under the grime. Could it be??? Yes! Very dark transparent green with an oxblood nine and tail, cutoff line, and horizontal layers of oxblood, white and green. Please excuse the quality of the photos. They were taken in a dish of water to make the pattern more visible. Now, the questions....It's small, barely 21/32", aren't most Bricks larger? Does the small size lessen value? Although it is in good shape, with only three very small, shallow chips and and as as-made small dimple near the top of the 9, the surface is very scratched, making it hard to see the pattern (without spit). Would this be a good candidate for polishing? Thanks as always, Stacy
  7. Cheryl, Is there any way for someone to make a donation that would help Alan's beloved pets? God Bless you and your husband for all you have done. I never met Alan, but anyone who could inspire so much love amongst so may people must have been very special indeed. Rest in Peace. Stacy
  8. Thanks Galen, Any idea what maker the machine-made one is?
  9. The cigar box yielded these handmades. 1. a sweet little peewee, a hair under 1/2".Don't know if this would be called solid core or ribbon core. 2. These two, both about 15/16", the green one has a large open (transparent ) area. What are these called? 3.No clue on this one. 7/8" It appears black with white and blue stripes, but when backlit, it is part transparent blue, part transparent magenta. I don't see pontils but there is something going on at one pole which I tried to photograph. As always, thanks for your help, patience and encouragement. Stacy
  10. Well - the listing says 7/8' not 7/8". Maybe the bidders thought it was the size of a cantaloupe. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  11. Thanks for posting those vitro pix! Your bracelet box photos are a great reference tool for new collectors like myself. Seeing several of the same type of marble allows you to see the subtle variations in color and structure. Stacy
  12. Nope, no adventurine that I can find. Stacy
  13. Thanks everyone - in with the Pelts it goes! Or maybe I should start a "soda fountain" grouping and put this one with some "bananas", a "chocolate oxblood", a "root beer float" and a "7-up". That would be cool, right? Oh my, I must be spending too much time with these marbles, Stacy
  14. Maybe I'm sticking my foot in it as a newbie, but my understanding of "vintage" is an item that is not old enough to be considered an antique ( sometimes 50 years for cars, 100 years for furniture, etc) but not contemporary. An older marble, like an Akro Popeye for example, would be considered "vintage" and there are certainly lots of them in very fine condition. JMHO Stacy
  15. If it's any clue, the group it came in was almost all Akro.
  16. Anybody know what this is? It's 11/16, milky white base and the base is mildly flourescent. Reminds me of a hot fudge sundae! Thanks Stacy
  17. I can really relate to what you're saying Edna! As a textile historian who studies schoolgirl needlework and samplers, I am very familiar with the way in which men can sometimes be "late to the party" in appreciation of art. A few decades ago, a very prestigious museum nearly threw away an enormous collection of 17th and 18th century samplers because they were thought to be unworthy of storage. Now that same institution has this collection ( worth in the hundreds of thousands of dollars) under lock and key. Men seem to be (by nature and socialization) slightly more keyed in to dollar or resale value whereas women seem to be a bit more free to say "it's beautiful, I love it, that makes it valuable". I mean no disrespect to the men on this board - just commenting on the sometimes different gender-based viewpoints in the art world. When I began my collection with a huge tin of 100's of marbles found in my in-laws basement, it was the two Vitro fancy tiger-eyes that captured my attention most of all and I am still smitten. Stacy
  18. Thanks Edna. I was hoping that you would chime in here because we seem to have a shared affection for Vitros! And the photos you have posted of your collection are awe-inspiring. Stacy
  19. Thanks Mark - very informative article! I've been meaning to order that Vitro book and since they( Vitro's) are piling up around here it's probably time to do that. Stacy
  20. Thanks Al. I have a lot of this color combination ( like I said, my favorite). So, If some of them look just like Edna's but with no discernable yellow ribbon - what would they be called?
  21. MIbs in row 4 in Edna's last picture (row 2 in photo 3 showing the other side) are my absolute favorites! Are they considered Yellow Jackets? Thanks Stacy
  22. OMG, the first time I looked at this thread, I didn't enlarge it or open the article. I thought they were really transparent swirls! Then, the post about the spoon - okay, he thinks they look like raspberry sherbet - it made sense. Today - Jill Marie's post about "slimy things". I'm puzzled. I go back, read again and UGHHHH!! You got me Steph. Stacy
  23. Happy to report that I am home in snowbound New York state today after yesterday's trip from Phoenix (where folks were complaining about a few clouds and "chilly" 50 deree temps). I need a tshirt that reads "I survived cross-country travel in the storm of 2011". It actually was kind of an adventure that involved rental car, shuttle, plane, mini-bus, train, bus, taxi and snow-covered car, but there was marble mail on the table when I got in, so all is well.
  24. Marboman- I have one just like the one in the far right of your post #93 - never knew where to put it except for "favorites" . Have to be away till Wed. but if this thread is still going, I'll post it then. Thanks for showing all you beautiful Pelts.
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