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Everything posted by stacyw

  1. stacyw


    maybe some frolics or canoodling?
  2. ooh Steph - that would mean Eli is your cousin too. In my book he rivals Scott Bakula! And Galen - I sympathize - a lot of bad breaks and questionable (read just plain lousy) calls yesterday.
  3. Impossible to pick just one but "The Man Who Came to Dinner" always makes me laugh.
  4. Too funny! Just back from the store - bought 2 cans and a bag of berries - we are ready.
  5. Happy T-Day to you Kbob! Love the photo. Even though I make homemade cran sauce, my family ( and secretly, I) prefer the canned stuff - always remember my Grandmother serving it cut out with her turkey cookie cutter.
  6. Lloyd, That Ford is WAY COOL! Nice work. It brings back memories of the crowd that used to hang at my Dad's gas station in the fifties - good times for sure. And the Brits still use the term and the color "BRG".
  7. That one reminds me of a dear friend's Hurst Olds. Lotsa good times in that one! Sadly the car is long gone and the friend is departed.
  8. re: post #6 - Is Fritzie a Mod or a Rocker?
  9. LOL Steph - my Great Grandmother used to say "pshaw". On a serious note, as a newbie, I thought Morphy's was respected auction house. What's with silliness like this?
  10. We have large flocks around here too. They are quilt tame and can even be sort of a menace on the roads. But they are fun to watch and comical when they investigate the cats in the driveway. The toms are really spectacular when they display for the ladies.
  11. Is anybody else thinking Akro on this red and black one? I know a long time ago there was disagreement over whether there was such a thing as an "Akro helmet" . And isn't there also a foreign marble with a similar construction to this? I think Winnie posted one recently.
  12. oooh! That's a beauty! I love "Halloween" marbles.
  13. Kbob - I love the photo composition and it IS a great book. Marboman - Are most of the Vitros in your phot what are known as "cosmic rainbows"? Are they considered catseye types? Jeeper - Stunning! Winne - as always your photos are beautiful and I agree that cats photograph very well.
  14. Nope, but you can roast it. And Migbar, I knew what you were up to. Funny stuff!
  15. Yes Steph, that's the correct word - related to persevere.
  16. pesrevate?????? Is there a teacher who could explain that one? In textiles - Conservation = to protect an item from further damage and to forego doing anything to the item which cannot be undone without any damage or change to the original item. Restoration = enhancing the appearance or condition of the item using the exact same materials and techniques that were used in it's creation. Since one cannot undo a polished surface, and a marble made by machine cannot be "re-made", I agree with Leroy that "reconditioning" is the most fitting description.
  17. I think the reflection from the Alligator(?) surface on which the marble was photographed is distorting the picture. Maybe a different image and/or a backlit photo would help.
  18. When your husband is outside cutting open empty spray cans.
  19. Great photo Wm. marbles. I have one of those pink/brown ones like the lower right and I always wondered about it.
  20. Yee - Haw! Congrats on that score.
  21. Wow - that's a beauty - and great photography too.
  22. stacyw


    The end of August here brings the County Fair and with it "Fair Food". Between us we consumed real Polish Pierogies with pickled onions and sour cream, Italian sausage and peppers, Johnnie's French Fries, Bob Maxwell's Walkaway Sundae, Cotton Candy ice cream, caramel apple, Frosted Cinnamon Bun, fresh squeezed lemonade and beer. And a friend's sheep tried to consume my husband's shirt. Life is good.
  23. Nothing in my collection compares to most of these posts, but this Akro cork is a favorite, more so because it came out of the "wild". Sorry for the crummy pix - they make it look beat up - it isn't.
  24. And thanks for your great photos Winnie. You solved a few mysteries for me.
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