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Everything posted by stacyw

  1. Great thread Steph! I've had this bright blue one for a while and always wondered what the heck it was. While trying to find it in order to take a pic I found one, and maybe two more - although I could still go Master Sunburst on the third one. What do you think?
  2. For me it's 18th and 19th century schoolgirl samplers and books related to same, sewing machines, sewing and needlework related items, spinning wheels and other textile related items, antique transferware, blue ridge dishes, decorative art depicting squirrels, books and other items relating to local history, and oh, yeah, marbles. Wow, it's a little scary when you write it out!
  3. stacyw


    Right you are Ann. I was going to mention those lasers too. They have them at the Met.
  4. Duh! I plead temporary insanity on that one. I got caught up in the Watermelon part of the conversation and ignored the Christmas Tree part.
  5. Doesn't it appear that this marble has a white base glass? Wouldn't that mean no Pelt?
  6. stacyw


    Just looked at your link Steph. Those cats are way cool. Have already started saving for one of those prints.
  7. stacyw


    Love the cat!!!!! Here's something I have on EBay right now that sorta fits in. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p3984.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.Xtrident+1969+poster&_nkw=trident+1969+poster&_sacat=0&_from=R40
  8. Loved that one Steph. My husband always referred to it as "the rat" as in "oh, you're looking at that rat again." But nothin' beats a good kitten pic.
  9. That's an interesting technique Bob. I agree that with this particular marble, the first shot is better in spite of the hot spots but I would like to see the results with another mib.
  10. stacyw

    Bird Of Prey

    Maybe it's because we put the food on a platform right next to the frog pond, below his favorite perch. It really is funny to see the "pecking order" in action with a turkey or chicken carcass. The two hawks will get their fill first while the crows "dance" around the perimeter of the area, hopping and squawking. They don't challenge the hawks though. And then, after the crows finish, the blue jays get to peck around at what's left. I also saw an interesting bit of bird behavior a few days ago. I heard a lot of crow noise that sounded different than usual. The last time I heard unusual crow activity, I was treated to the sight of a bobcat so I wanted to see what this was about. Well, it was an adult crow feeding a very hungry and loud juvenile. They were side by side on a branch and the adult had a dead chipmunk slung over the branch, holding it with his/her foot. The adult was pulling pieces of meat from the chipmunk and feeding them to the screaming baby. Today the parent managed to keep the baby quiet with some stale bread.
  11. stacyw

    Bird Of Prey

    Cool pictures and video! At my home (also Northeast) we have a pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks who visit every year. First the male came for a couple of years and then he found a mate. They arrive like clockwork in the Fall and their favorite perch is on a specific bent tree limb over a tiny frog pond on the edge of the woods in the backyard. I have always found it interesting that even though our bird feeders are just a few feet away, the songbirds have no fear of these hawks. I have never seen them go after a bird, although they relish frogs and any meat that we set out for them. The leftover turkey carcass at Thanksgiving is a favorite treat. The songbirds seem to instinctively know that these hawks are not a threat. But if a Red-Tail or Cooper's is about, the little birds will scatter.
  12. Funny stuff Galen! And likely some truth in it too - there probably was resistance to "imitation agates" from some.
  13. You know you're a cat person when you click on this link, the photo comes up, and you think "what's so funny about that?' ...and THEN you read the story.
  14. Thanks! I don't recall ever seeing these before. Will check the vintage bead stash in case any are hiding there.
  15. Could someone post a pic of those teardrop beads?
  16. stacyw


    Ketchup flavored chips are big in the UK also. I think the Brits were a little ahead of us in oddly flavored chips (crisps) area. Right with you on the vinegar flavor Kbob - my favorite too.
  17. I think you may be onto something Ann. If you look closely at the two photos, You can see what look like little bits of the same "sky blue" color that appears on other tins. Maybe there was a batch of ink or paint with an incorrect formula that kept that particular color from remaining "fast".
  18. Biscuits and red eye gravy - and a nice one!
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