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Everything posted by RJnew2marbles

  1. Completely Awesome! Be sure to let us know when you list them!!!
  2. it appears some people from the boards have bought from the seller and left positive feedback
  3. What do you mean by JUST MORE BARTONS!!!!!! WOWZERS! love'em
  4. No Kidding! Some details! Does the solution do anything to the glass after it has been on there? Any yellowing? Is it easy to do? etc and so on..... Ps, I checked out your link to the pictures and WOW-o-WOW do you have some nice marbles! And some nice pictures of others marbles and AKRO!!!!!!
  5. Nice pictures! Noticed Mr. Griff is a popular subject in the pictures, lol. Bet it is because griff knows where the good marble action is!
  6. I thought "ringer" was discussed before and it was brought up that ringer is a game not a marbles name. Am I remembering wrong?
  7. WowSteph, you sure do a lot of research. How do you find the time?!?!?!?!
  8. I have quite a few of the furnace mibs and I am leary of a lot of the offerings on EBAY. So many look like a champion swirl. Steph, will you post some more of the JABOS which you say look like the furnace ones? I sure would like to see them.
  9. This thread for a lurker is when it gets fun. Watching how people just cannot leave a discussion, on all sides is something to see. How long will it go? 10 pages???
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