Hey members, check these out!! I posted this some time back on the other boards and thought i would on Stephs board to so you all can see some really killer akro. I will be showing some of these in the spring marble show here in Decatur Illinois.
Hey everyone, thank you very much on the positive feedback and i will try to have some cd copies of the program for those who want one later, and may have to turn down Oprah for sure. Love you all, Chuck G
Hey Steph, thank you so much for helping me get on the board now and i hope some of the members will see the tv broadcast and they will see a few people they may know.
hey memebers i am on the chat board now and hopefully i will be able to help those who want to learn all about marbles. Please take note because there will be a tv broadcast on our Illinois PBS tv station that will show all about marbles and the great hobby of collecting. Mark McDonald from channel 12 Urbana Illinois will broadcast it on these three dates: Thursday Dec 16th at 6:30pm
Sunday Dec. 19th at 4:30pm
Tuesday Dec. 21st at 6:30pm
You may see someone you know!!!