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Everything posted by mon

  1. Cool! The way that marble started bouncing when cooled, I see why the auto release never worked.
  2. John, First I would like to say I have never studied any existing marble machines around and poses limited mechanical aptitude. i know didly about glass! I do own a small machine shop and manufacture moly electrodes for some steel mini mills. 1) if the stream was less in volume that the applied grit was not swiped or restricted to stretch. It just melted in dots the size of the frit. 2) If this volume was a tad greater...some were restricted and some not and/or some grit was sized to the high tolerance that would hit the restriction = "streaks" and some would be sized at the low tolerance and not restricted= "dots" 3) this has puzzled me and just off my head thought they deadheaded the stream into an arc, blocked half of the circular frit applier and did flip or fold it with the color on the outside.....cobras= streaked and flipped with the other side of the feed blocked and the colors end up being inside. It really is folded..... it would have to if made on a machine....I think When you get done laughing please don't be to rough..lol
  3. Great video and marbles made! If I had that set-up....well, lets say this....my wife would kill me! RD, I don't know but if it is...how cool would that be!
  4. John, I should of been asking how this "S" trait happen.....and do you think striped opaques were hand gathered too? When I first saw this remnant the start of that "S" got me thinking of how, again! I thought that hump was the key ..........can you get a better shot of the side? It looks to have a strong "hook" in the orange like the guinea. I don't see this trait on two seamers by other companies...... If made on a machine.... Real stupid question about guineas and you won't understand a lick of it the way I word crap...but is there a way that sized frit, of different colors, could have been housed around the stream of base glass and feed/swiped with circular opening directly on the stream? Then, pushed through a slightly smaller opening causing it to melt and stretch? Just scoop some frit and keep the bin full during production. Thanks
  5. Thanks for showing and what a cool artifact to have! I was thinking it would be deeper, wrong again! He was also the Miller of Peltier. I like that...
  6. This about the best marble I have to show the "S" trait I'm talking about...it starts on one side of the marble at the cut line and the other ends on the othe side of the marble at the cut line....orange and red strains. Tried to clean them up!
  7. Galen, do you see the red stripe next to the two short yellow stripes? It starts to form one end of the "S" and if the shear would be reversed at the other end in making this a marble, would that give the hook or other end of the "S" as seen on many 2 seam CAC's? It's hard for me to describe but often wondered how they made that "S" from seam to seam on the side.
  8. Wow...sold for what a whole one would or pretty close! Here I go again, do you see how far off center the cut mark is..pulled the glass much farther and more humped on one side. If the same type of cut was made as the second cut coming from the other side like a pendulum, would this form the"S", from cut mark to cut mark, seen on most all two seam CAC's? This might have already been discussed that I'm not aware of. thanks
  9. Hi bumblebee, I like your post and won't pigeon hole myself into a category you have outlined but will say this......Sure I like finding deals, from marbles to big ticket items like a car. I've learned that not all people were taught to be honest or fair very early in life and still get suckered. If I go to a garage sale or a brick and mortar shop and something is priced as a great deal/steal, I buy it! If someone ask me what a marble is worth and it's a great marble, something I want bad...I tell them all I can. I don't see it as an opportunity to swindle this for my gain! Let your conscience be your guide! I can live with this rule because at some point, when selling, you must do your homework or you just want it gone! I have received more satisfaction from helping someone who asked for my opinion and hearing feedback that they sold it on ebay for a price they can't believe. They look at you in a whole different way and tag it to your character and to others.....way better than a marble setting in a box at home! As far as sharing knowledge amongst fellow collectors.....I don't know why you wouldn't other than greed. The only time I remember getting a little pissed off was at a show. A young guy came in my room and thumbed all my marbles......the better stuff(not a whole lot in my collection).....and kept saying, after cyclops loupe-ing with a bright light.."I only buy mint and this has yada yada yada!" "I buy for a big collector yada yada yada!" I'm thinking..well, if it doesn't meet your standard, just set it down without kicking me in the teeth...should I tell him to get his punk a$$ out of here and f-off. It was about work for him and money drove his every action!
  10. Thanks for that post HD, fits like a glove! Stupid question....did the tan box have a reversed by size two rows of 0-6 onyx=14 marbles? And what type was standard in the no.16 and no.112 box, onyx also?
  11. Doesn't get much better than this......Thanks Mike!!! Do you think the cup was graphite or something that didn't hold the heat as much? The machine was very simple and do you think that oil cup/drop is at the bottom and to the left of the larger wheel in the first pic?
  12. Mike, Is he stating that they tried but did not use in production multiple cuts for a gather? One gather = one cut = transparent red marble? Sincerely, John McCormick "Shamrock Marbles"
  13. Yeah....thanks Mike! if all I have to do is ask for more......more please? It may be posted but what year was this suit?
  14. Ernie either has a photographic memory or x-ray eyes......what a nice box! Any info or timeline on the paper Akro label? I like both and not sure if I would break out the blow drier and see some peeling action...probably ruin both.
  15. He's out filling the potholes in his brain....won't be back till May...LOL
  16. Yep, Akro! I was going to bid thinking I could knock out owning two co boxes in one shot! But my couple hundred tops would have fell well short.
  17. Steph, you could be correct.....all this mfc talk has me assuming. What's at the end...looks like it could be a "C" but not an "O" for Company ......I thought of the "K" in the tear as an upward crossbar "H".....
  18. I think in the first photo you can see above the label and end that it spells out part of Christensen. I used the magnifier.....see what you think...
  19. I'm ready for the 40 page post....come on.... I image one thing by looking at a photo and it's great to get a real picture of the movement and care, or lack of, in the words of the real deal.....thanks again Mike! Really like the page you e-mailed when he stated that he never was allowed to work with the ruby gold batches.........
  20. I wish! I can send you my paypal address if you'll like to dump some $$$$ in it! lol
  21. What do you think .........he also has a nice cobra half marble. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marbles-Christensen-Agate-Cobalt-Guinea-VHTF-End-of-Cane-Cambridge-dug-/321633090443?pt=Marbles&hash=item4ae2d37b8b
  22. Old MF Christensen box with old Akro label....... http://www.ebay.com/itm/291336578275?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  23. Actually it was two attempts ...first and last! lol
  24. After reading that, do you think it was one gather per marble...I do.
  25. Neat.....totally different from Cohill. The different size and speed gives it time .....per Cohill, the speeds are backwards for the rollers. If chain driven from one sprocket to the other, both at the shaft of the rollers, how much interference was there between roller size and marble? Was it just slack in this chain that let it open enough to fall out? Gathered into a cup and then cut it??? ooooh...more testimony..thanks mike
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