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Everything posted by mon

  1. You can see them in the old posts if the pics are still up.....proves nothing to have scrap when making marbles! imo Also, the scrap was a long time coming when that was a major point used for disbelief. All of a sudden....everyone was seeing them. fwiw These folks were slick..whether their product was real or not.....they where creepy slick!
  2. This is just not true.....just before he became ill and I mean just before, he sold all but one of mine over a 4 week period. Another collector and mine were mixed over that period and the last of these he sold. I talked with him many times and he had none and still had his doubts about them. Yes, he had many at first but the shamrock marbles threw him for a big loop! I swore to myself that I was not going to get involved in the validity of these again (I was the one who asked MC Marbles to remove my pic he posted).....and I truly don't know either way. But Craig, why won't you talk about this here? I'm sure most every member here would like to be informed. Can you at least explain the finder's accounts that you validated? thank you in advance!
  3. mon


    All hand cut and came from one very old man in Wyoming.....Can you tell me anything about the first one?
  4. In post #9 of the 1st linked thread, this is galens statement...keep in mind he has never called them or big-shot collector's at any time....just for ebay use...the name "EXOTICS"! Please note all the other discrepancies in his statement...like not knowing if you held one. There are a large ammount of extra bright and beautiful types that only appeared recently Winnie.(there are some pictured in that book) They are called Exotics by many collectors. Most CAC collectors know when they are holding one of the "Exotics". It would be impossible to describe in writing the difference in the "Exotics" and a regular extra special CAC striped transparent or striped opaque. One story is they were found in one big hole in the ground during a Cambridge city pipe laying project. Another is that the all came from the home of an employee of CAC. Almost all of them can be traced back to one of a very small group of people.(one of the reasons they are questioned). This is a subject that will probably always remain controversial and unproved one way or the other. One reason is that too much money exchanged hands for these marbles when they first appeared.(hundreds of thousands of dollars?) And nice examples are still selling in the 500-1000 dollar range.
  5. Wow is right....you go from stating stuff as Fact then find the goods give you no wiggle room and you can't believe I'm still holding on to that! Holding on to what.....the truth? I allowed my marbles to be evaluated by you and you reported your beliefs...where's the harm in that? What do I have to hold on to? Now the pics weren't that bad.....just some pretty nice CAC's...Oh, and you all can judge one of the pics sent to galen... Now it's just a story....no, you made it out that you had first hand info from the diggers themselves. If you had the reason for the dig, year, and what company preformed this dig, I can call the garage again and they can verify these accounts. When I talked to her last she knew of no such event and stated she definitely would if it was done above board. WARNING People, IF all this is a HOAX and the secret is held tight-lipped and near death comes a knocking...you know what sometimes happens......do you want to be holding these for the price that they still bring....think long and hard about it! IMHO
  6. Page one...bumblebee post two links about these......look at the caliber of posters and count the times "exotic" was used...the threads are titled Exotics. Meant to be as nice as possible......if I talked with the real people who found these, those are not the details I would seek and Steph, I also have heard that story many times. I thought he really had something but yep, it's a dead horse. God bless you mig!!!!!!!
  7. Change that, I've talked with Brian E., Alan B., Les J., Rick H., Clyde T. and many others that used that name only. I was at a lot of shows too at that time and it was the term used to inquire. Mig can vouch for me the report you gave me on being fake...hope he chimes in (I might have the e-mail on my old laptop and will check). I was holding a lot of these and was involved maybe deeper than you at that time.
  8. I'm truly sorry kbobam that my approach sent you reeling! Tell me not to post if it's the me that's not wanted because that's all I've ever known. I'm a good guy believe it or not....not lonely, not hated, trusted and certainly not pushed to the side by people who have spent time with me. Galen's post that I quoted was invalid and not true marble history. I tried to point that out with facts and clarity. You did not wonder one minute what I was trying to say because it was to the point. Please let me know for I would never want to be where I'm not wanted and respect you all for telling me. I was a union president and won in a landslide of 152 employees that speaks to me of my character. As you have pointed out, my lack of the king's english makes it hard for me to type my feelings. mon
  9. That has not been hashed out on the boards.......you talked with them? Tell us all about it ..... I don't know either way....but sure would like too! My post had no bashing of real or not.....just pointing out that it is and always been a particular group called exotics and should always remain..IMO. Let me try to inspire some folks here......do you know the story of galens meeting the guys that found this unbelievable/greatest cache of marbles ever found? Would you like to know? please join me in asking him to tell us all by posting. This is a big deal! Buckeye asked how mig could have held on to the MFC info and not told it before......I feel the same now! Please post and ask him.
  10. You have got to be kidding!!!!!! The "exotic" was the only name used by all the serious CAC collectors in the days of "the find"! Now these holders of this cache want to rub the stink off of these for money! And at the time..... there was a lot of stink!!! Even you galen stated on a photo's of 19 "good looking CAC's" that most were fake...but needed to see them in hand to be sure. Why, because they were so different than what was ever known before. Show me some pre "the find" examples that looked like this.....just your run-of-the-mill sub...and this is not the wildest color combo's that surfaced during that small window of time! Hey Folks, you want to swallow this crap and believe they are in attics, grandpa's stash or original CAC packaging in the wild......you are wrong! Ask any of the big CAC collectors before "the find" if they could point out almost every "EXOTIC" that came from this cache! If that's not a separate group that should have it's own category/name forever...I don't know what would! Oh, I know why...and it's the root of all evil! GULP! Grab your popcorn....and try to post if you got the nerve! not meant for you galen!lol
  11. Here is an Akro Tornado...bought in the mid 2000's. It was 1 of 5 known at that time and a 13/16" dug marble. I know it has nothing to do with the nice marble you have shown.....thought some would like to see it any-who!
  12. Steph, I will post photos at the end of this thread.....don't want to go off on a tangent cause I would love to hear thoughts on post 55.
  13. It is my understanding that many old marble (NLR) were stored in bins many years after their ending production. They made the picture marbles in 1933, and kept them in bins for almost 5 years, before they junked them due to low sales. I have a big value box that contains both NLR and Rainbos that was untouched and original.
  14. Ok, one last stab....promise! I'm confused........ Chuck states ribbon types and NLR can be Angels! Then it's changed to the Angel type is much earlier than Rainbos and all have jumped on board. 1st stated opaque ribbons then changed to include transparent. Am I reading the same post as all of you? I know Chuck and all of you are trying to help me understand but I have a hard time following what's said. Thanks for hanging in there with me!!!!!!!!!! Nothing is questioned about the tracers of color or maybe that they are rainbos...just the base color...look at them again....throw out the base color..and what I'm lead to believe is they could be Angels. I believe zaboo and I are saying the same thing about the base not being like a tracer. As you see in my pic of a tracer next to a B&E......it's not the same. Are tracers NLR, Rainbos or Tweeners? How many untraced ribbons are mandatory to be an Angel. The two Angels together in one pic by Alan...http://marbleconnection.com/topic/17016-peltier-angels/?hl=angel....again, look to have the same base as zaboo's. Are these Angels? We can't have two standards because I carry no weight! I don't want to hear about my marbles.....I'm ok with them having no value. Wasn't here to reset a standard...just trying to find out what the standard is on a marble board! I could be wrong in this whole getty-up and apologize to all for not getting it!
  15. Also, I hate you for having such a beautiful thing.
  16. cool as sh$t!!!!!! Man...........................I think it's the nicest pelt I've ever seen!
  17. Heron vs Shark....cullet art!
  18. Thanks Sami for describing the differences! Not sure what all the talk is about ......I see a difference in opinion of what is NLR and what is not.........ribbon count and so on. I posted the shallow ribbon definition as tongue and cheek.....it's in the book..get the book... never mind! Steph, posted a Poison Bee in the rare pelt thread....she asked....is it NLR or Rainbo? These are the type that I struggle with also!
  19. Chuck, were did you go? The ribbon types you mention above, are they rainbos that you are talking about? I was waiting on your opinion of the one in the old post I linked. Are they Angels and are they NLR or just rainbos? This is nice talking things out and backing it up with visual aids. Also, how or why is this not and Angel type? http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-COLOR-SCHEME-MUDDY-BROWN-MATRIX-THREE-COLOR-PELTIER-MARBLE-/321656630902?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae43aae76
  20. Very nice indeed!!!!! Those green rebels are sweet!
  21. My arguing statement was to make all aware of my state of mind.....I felt my tone of questioning was pushy from rereading. Well, things may have changed...but I'll say this, when alan was around it was not taboo to question his titles and many did. It's good to have checks and balances too! I want to know so the marble police don't knock down my door but if I sell something and it's the wrong ID, please tell me...I can take it! How do I cross the barrier to know for myself.....can't call the top few every time I see a marble. P.S. I just received my first marbles today in the mail! YeeHawww
  22. Damn it!!!! I wanted to name it sooooooo bad! Puddintane!!
  23. First and foremost this is not an argument..........!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted an opinion by photos what people thought about the base color on the only Angels available to show.......not who posted them as to pick on them. I think the 2 marblealan posted are whitish but are zaboo's and alan's Angels? With having this answer I can now call my marbles with confidence what the standard allows.
  24. not trying to name a marble.....not important to me at all! I got to name my dog...that's good enough for me. Knowing the look of the weakest color of "tannish" that makes an Angel, is. It helps both buyer/collector and seller in the marble world. Maybe I started this thread off wrong by showing a marble I believed to be off white or tannish. Maybe this color of base is more distinguishable in hand and I'll wait to see at a show. I see in the pic of 3 that the red one looks the most like a whitish base and ask others thoughts on the color......It's not hard to get an opinion on the base color of the B&E. The old post has a few whitish so called Angels...am I stepping over some line by questioning them to better understand? As far as NLR vs Rainbo......I see that questioned here and different opinions by seasoned collectors.
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