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Everything posted by mon

  1. Thought so! nice marble...a keeper!
  2. Post again after getting better at pics.....even I can't make a call! peace mon
  3. Looks like a master made by the tight cut line but a red based master is a rare fish indeed....I hope it is for you! peace mon
  4. You'll play around a lot trying to find the right setup...keep your chin up and read some of the posts here on taking photos! They sure helped me and you can do it cheap! Good luck!
  5. Pelts of sure....very nice Matt!
  6. Again Matt.....check these six out. They are dark purple and white and CAC's. Some can have flames and some are swirls. Yeah, that seems to be the consensus from Europe but they can and have been found on your side of the pond! Nice to see your marbles and you posting! Hope I've helped.
  7. Check yours against these 6 known CAC's and see if you see a match! If not, let me know..my pics are not the best either! mon
  8. Yeah, breaking news on the pelt citrus marbles..........oh wait....I was the first who brought this up many times as my example in threads (even told you when you was here) and if you don't believe/remember me ask Smitty!!!!!! News flash for me was when mig stated he dug it from the ground at Peltier before they showed up but it would not surprise me if they will blindly believe you now! Sorry, I thought I was at the end of my road but had one more step before being done. P.S. did Hansel find them in the wild? Is it not...laughable? Now it is you who would like to know and it is I who says..."No soup for you"! Show us some more of that new cullet......ya know...the cullet that was burried in the box or lugged home by that employee.....yeah..they thought this trash was worth saving back then. Years before they hit the market Brian was just running around all the shows stating..."If I could only find whole marbles to match this exotic cullet I;ve found...look"! NOT! History should not be altered! 8 I don't know and the information of "the find" may let me choose another number! Now I go no further
  9. I have lots of questions, facts and proof these are new ^^^^^^ but I go no further too! Thanks all for posting....it could have been a great thread! mon
  10. I'm seeing another Cac...can you post a few more pics? Just the way it's stacked leads me in this direction but more pics or in hand, I would nail it down! Alley is a good guess too! You sure found some nice marbles! peace, mon
  11. Mattshaw, I'm very much a cac head, expert, have many and have study lots of cullet. It is a Cac and a nice one at that! Pics could be a little sharper to help me give you a more detailed evaluation! But could make this call standing on my head...have some like it that I'll try to post tomorrow. They are little buggers to photograph! I could do more if it was in hand! Enjoy and once you get use to Arnie's work, you'll love no other as much! Not real rare but rare enough! peace mon
  12. Then read all the posts in the deja vu link (everyone should read this again and keep in mind.. Alan didn't trust them....Les told some to sell) Craig, you was not around in the beginning but claim the trash came first. As I stated earlier in this thread, no one was showing any cullet, halves or chipped marbles and all the old threads back this up. It was around 2006 when they appeared and the story became more muddled. I believe this to be important....show me a couple great example that has one, just one, chip that puts it in the near mint range.....I've yet to see one. Should there be at least a few of these 80 + year old marbles that were stored in a box or under ground? What started this whole thing could end it.....money! If you have one sliver of doubt.. call them fakes when seen.. offer no more than $50 and watch what shakes out.. trust me...you can live without owning one of these mine is just a reminder to look before I leap Won't anyone stand up and tell Craig and Galen that this is just flat out wrong!!!! Everyone tries to share with the masses here every day but they can thumb their noses at this community? Afraid of losing some money.....thought most are not in it for the money...yep, I'm the ass! 100 REPLIES 2300 VIEWS...YOU DO WANT TO KNOW.....DON'T YOU?
  13. I agree with running both methods at the same time.....after reading some Peltier info. At that time, Peltier believed these specialty marbles enhanced sales of the more common or less expensive to make marbles. Just can't see Fiedler showing off but what do I know? If it was a success for Gropper & Peltier to make hand gathered marbles, more than likely, Fiedler tried the same at CAC. Thanks, but are they simply beautiful new $50 marbles or CAC $700 and up marbles? If only we could only answer that!
  14. Hansel, Do you have any "old exotics" and "new exotics"? If so, can you show and/or tell the difference between the two you stated? John, Cac was making beautiful flames and swirls in colors and design that would have been a nice niche at that time. It seems quite risky as a business imo, to have hand gathering stations along with a full blown marble machine. Have you held any of the new Exotics? If so, can you put your finger on the "just not right" button? My "S" trait question was a little mix up on my part......I know what it is(you and I discussed in the "very cool" thread) and you stated that some questioned that yours lacked that trait......So, have any of your marbles carried this trait? If not, have you tried to make this happen? Can you imagine.... Cac is up and running....these flame and swirls rolling off the end by the thousands ......ol' Arnold, who is better paid and the backbone of operations, sweating like a mule, making hand gathered beauties for a few bucks a box! Then, per the L. E. Alley book, they are setting up gambling, horse and dog races, prostitution, illegal liquor and a scheme to smash Alley machines. Then, Arnold looks down at his bucket of marbles and finds that he has crossed the line...these are just too pretty. He grabs the bucket, runs out the back of the shop and starts diggin like a mad gopher. Runs back in and takes a man's two dollars, pours him a shot and flips the mattress. A day in a life.... The feel I got from migs court stuff in the MFC thread is that management was management and workers were workers.
  15. Wow.....very interesting and very funny! I'm glad you shared this with us and should be very proud in what you've achieved! What can I say about timing! May I ask............. Was it your goal to mimic the CAC design? How hard is it to keep the colors from blending or bleeding?.......a trait Arnold is known for. How hard would it be to match the colors of known CAC colors and whip them off your machine? Do you think or have you ever tried to put the "S" trait in a marble? If so, did you? I've tried to keep my list short...lol! Thank you again!
  16. first John....thank you for not side-stepping my questions and the depth you went into to answer them! I understand not touching the last question..but I think you might have....I'm not here to bash galen but he has tainted his word...with me and that conclusion comes with facts. John, I often thought of you being at ground zero......now, I think....why would you come out after this release with these other marbles that are/were ahead of their time and close mimics of the same type. And, maybe that's what you want us to think! lol This will probably lap at your feet forever. I wish you the best! Now we have few members that have worked very hard to be CAC experts and now become so smug! To isolate others one at a time puts them in a better position to argue and or convince. These same experts post every little conclusion they think they have found but they claim now to have the Holy Grail and it gets the old...I'm not up to it, tired of the dead horse and/or maybe ask joe blow. Really!!!!! I could outline a goal to be one of these experts ...smooze the current pillars, stay in sight, step on no toes, act as if I belong, don't say toooo much(might be the hardest for me), make it up as I go and never admit that I'm doing any of this. I'm stealing this thought because it states my beliefs better than I can write.....What I can't understand is that whereas collectors of many other things, such as stamps, coins, etc. really scrutinize their potential purchases (and when necessary, obtain a true expert's analysis - microscopic, physical properties, etc), marble collectors seem to take the word of the seller and his cronies as gospel. I agree with Mandrakes..Something about them just doesn't feel right and I just can't put a finger on it! I studied everything I could think of to prove my Exotic were the real deal.....the slickness or feel of these always seemed a tad off and of the 19, not one one scratch. Not meant to hurt anyones feelings but these are MY FEELINGS and it is what it is.
  17. John, great looking marbles and would you agree that they are very close in design? What did Alan have to say after receiving them? As stated, he was ticked off greatly when I first talk with him after either receiving yours or made aware of them. Most of you believe these Exotics are hand gathered...right? How much of the design is contributed to the gatherer, glass, shear and rollers? Would you John be willing to give each a percentage seeing you have lots of knowledge in coming very close? Galen's stated about a 40x mag gave him conclusive evidence of origin back to CAC machinery. Do you think that's possible from a hand gathered marble? Thanks!
  18. Mandrakes, do you think you could pick out 95% of an Exotics vs Pretty CAC mix? They knew who to show them to in the beginning and I'm sure they know who to befriend now! I could decide...not change my mind because I don't know, in a heart beat if it can be substantiated. I'm here to make sure people are aware of the name Exotic and the stink that still surrounds them. I have that one and it's better than the one sold on mibbage.com for $1300 and I'm trying to devalue these enough that the holders of these pressure this community to come up with a better story or the truth....or eat their hard earned dollars! if we stuck together, it would happen! So read my warning above because I'm either totally stupid (possible) or honest enough to lose most of $1300.....trust who you will. thank you!
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