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Everything posted by mon

  1. Above the blue & yellow popeye is a peltier Ketchup & Mustard.
  2. Lower right looks like a bifurcated pelt...half blue and half white with yellow ribbons....worth much more than your average rainbo.
  3. Throw the flag, throw the flag...penalty on Ann! I said "just saying" in an other post and galen made fun of me....and I said we could keep saying it and now Ann does it.....penalty....(in your best Jim Nabors voice) Citizen's Arrest, Citizen's Arrest, Citizen's Arrest! lol
  4. If I understand, CAC had a MFC machine and was, at this time, ready to start up in Payne? The use of "Christensen" is interesting too! Thanks mig and more...please.. Akro was doing alright
  5. I believe it's an odd Akro and I do too! thanks
  6. I've always called aces as a translucent base with a one color spiral...like the two end ones shown.
  7. mon

    Woot Woot

    Ann, I don't know why but when I hear FSU it reminds me of a Christmas back when I was 8 or 9. I only want one thing that year really bad and Duncan made it! I woke X-mas morn and dashed to the tree...only one gift with my name on it. Aw, another pair of work gloves I thought! I opened it half-heartedly and much to my surprise...I let out an Oh, Oh YO-YO.....Oh Yo-Yo right in front of the whole clan! Everyone chanted this like a mantra for what seemed like days! Even at supper, we were having hot and I mean HOT crab legs, the chant went on! I don't know why but I stood and screamed "blank her right in the blank!"! Everyone loved it and carried my around on their shoulders..... oh the memories......
  8. I was really on the fence and decided not to bid for the condition reason pointed out. I posted about the chocolate cow here and thought maybe one is in this lot....upper left, 1st pic. I thought this would be fun ....what do you see that might be good?
  9. would you buy this lot on e-bay and why?......http://www.ebay.com/itm/antique-Akro-marble-collection-of-49-blue-GREEN-YELLOW-3-4-oxblood-/321633379935?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=EMBbtwccrxhs3UFZ8iW%252FEC%252BdjzQ%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  10. Have you ever seen a true brown with no aventurine in the black?
  11. ohhhh, that's real nice! I find it hard to know when a tiger turns into a cow but there is no doubt on that one. thanks
  12. mon

    Woot Woot

    Don't know if "my" bucks can withstand the pace? Hope it's a nail biter....
  13. Ok.....pedidoll..I like your new avatar...average brown and then dark brown and don't say what size.lol
  14. were would a peltier chocolate cow fall?
  15. Welcome...what type(s) do you collect?
  16. larry got the news................. http://www.ebay.com/itm/M-F-CHRISTENSEN-RED-SLAG-5-8-NICE-9-MINT-/171635851747?pt=Marbles&hash=item27f64b41e3 lol
  17. I was informed that most of these boxes are found without postage. To find them with only adds to the rarity and value. It would of had 2 more 1 cent stamps that you can see fell off this box. Kinda stuff I would never think of......... Oh, and the tan boxes found unaltered had the same color onyx marbles in it.
  18. very creative and really like the table!! I've only stuck a few in the chinking of my log cabin where I dated and signed.
  19. mibcapper, in the lower left, the marble just to the left of the shooter, are one of my favorite types. What a great case of marbles! heres a few of my other favs.....have to down size those pics
  20. mon

    New To Me!

    Long ago I worked at Euclid Fish Co. and an old timer's joy was to take these live homard lobsters and turn them upside on their nose with the claws out like a tripod .....they would stay that way days! Some they used for center pieces weight up in the 20lb plus range and had very large pegs in the claws.
  21. I'm good with that...and thanks for entertaining my thoughts!
  22. Yeah, that's round enough! Not sure I understand "swap the wheel position" line? Lol, worked so good so good it was bad. It looked to me that it seated nicely when hot but bounced more as it cooled or maybe it was just the sound that gave me that impression. Did you have any marbles with teats? It would be interesting to see you throw it in from a cup......thanks again
  23. 3 to 11 here too......hate it! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though....May 1st....back to one job in over 10 years. Insurance..arrrggg! 2 to 3 inches of snow and -1 at 5am.....the dogs last about 3 minutes then I have to carry them in! They just roll over from cold feet...won't move!
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