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Everything posted by mon

  1. Do you mind proving it with a pic.....even a small one would be fine?
  2. Sorry I can't add anything to this thread but I will say this. I remember in grade school spinning marbles was the coolest, 2nd only to eating all my glue! The striped/marbles with cutlines were the best and reminded me of those do-dickies on a stick that spun in the wind. Slowly rolling them up the skewed floor in our kitchen and watching the design change as they rolled back towards me could entertain for hours. I wish that I could tell you more tales of my exciting childhood but I must go now and ride my stick horse in the dry dirt.....man can I kick up the dust!
  3. So, do you think operators, running day in and day out at Peltier, knew of and made these adjustments with an intent of keeping their cutline design?
  4. 4? maybe 5? Not sure on the large pinkish one(upper left)!
  5. You are probably correct....I just assumed if so much time and money was spent to protect a mechanical design in a marble then, consideration would be given to the cutlines and their visual effect. Back in my hole.........peep
  6. I think a cutline is an intentional design and it's shape and consistency had as much importance to the maker/company as did the colors they use.
  7. My sister sent me almost every year the panel....."Beware of Doug".....G.Larson was my favorite
  8. Stupid question, what material would item #27 and #25 been made of? Also, how did the glass enter these cylinders? I believe the bottom, figure 2, should be above figure 1 on a print.
  9. I was thinking.....wow that is cool...then noticed that was a speck of dust on my screen and your marble pic was behind it! lol
  10. If the first two are Alleys, are they considered a calligraphy? Note: they are out of round like I've seen with lots of CACs. Thanks
  11. Here is a part of the group that was together in the wild......
  12. I will try to post some others that came with these....this one was with them and I'm 99.9% sure this is a CAC. For whatever that's worth? As nice as the calligraphy marbles are, they either made very few or people don't bring them out much.
  13. I'm leaning towards CAC but can someone explain the distinct differences?
  14. Did you have a contract? So much "magic" has happened in Reno......
  15. Mig, you are probably correct and I never knew that about Pelt black, thanks! Not only was it dug but also a remelt, ground, polished, glued and made at jabo!!! Steph, haven't forgot and will get them out!
  16. before I state how sure I am, what do they smell like?
  17. peeked! lol My only claim to fame is my donation of Cairos to Marblealan! I can still see him leaning over the bath tub, in my room at the New Philly show, picking through a couple thousand! I still think they are very under rated.......
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