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    Allschwil, Switzerland

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  1. OK, I haven't posted anything in a while. Here is some serious stuff 😃 Have all a great weekend! Ron
  2. English Josephs Coats. Probably made soon after WWI in Germany. Called "English" because of their bright colors. Havn't seen a purple one yet.
  3. The ones from the same cane look more or less similar (size could vary slightly)
  4. Royal, check this out. This is Randall Burnetts homepage as far as I know: http://www.geometricjewels.com/ Greetings ! Ron
  5. Ouch, killer marbles !! Considering you are not collecting these you got yourself some really REALLY good handmades... Ron (green with envy)
  6. There are so many.... I especially like the marbles from Eddie Seese and Geoffrey Beetem :-) Ron
  7. And this was an experiment I made on "Mauritius"-Island last year with some marbles from Eddie Seese.
  8. I tried this with some of my German handmades last spring in sunlight. The water really brings out the colors and especially mica flakes. It was a nice experiment and the pics turned out great.
  9. OK, I will do it myself then I think this one is pretty ugly (which makes it special somehow). Quite big, no core, just some small outer bands (but four colors) and a big uncontrolled air bubble. Next: 3 different shades of green
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