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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. Thanks Al. Do you think these may have came with one of those Marbo Guns? Thought it was neat that it had Sure-Shot on the label as well.
  2. Hi. Just wanted to let you all know about this little bag of Cat Eyes http://www.ebay.com/itm/111665725165?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649 Thanks for looking!!!
  3. Hello Everyone!!! Seen this on the bay, are you kidding me? Check out that vintage pontil and mold marks....... I'd have to bounce it a few times.
  4. I sure hope it's vintage!!! Saved for quite awhile to buy this. All the arm-chair collectors around here seem to like it. ???, I love it.
  5. Hello Everyone!!! Thought I'd share some new stuff I got with ya!! Sealed bag of Blue/Yellow St. Mary's Cat Eyes, Cased Clambroth and some Marble Beads. Enjoy!!
  6. LOL. They are actually 640x480 in size. Two format's .mp4 and .webm format. Size is the issue. I can make them super clean and nice.... but at a loading cost to the viewer. These are under 3 megs, really like 2 megs. I have code that stretches to full height in the browser. Everyone's screen is a different size... like I run 1600x900... so it's tough to settle on something. Maybe, I could have a second set at High resolution...with a warning that it make a some time to load...... Thanks for the kind comments tho. It's hard working on all this stuff and keeping it live so I can get good feed back as I go. Thank you. I'm going to try to have the store finished by tomorrow (sunday) only 2 issues to fix. (that I know of, lol)
  7. I don't know Steph, but I guess I would have paid more then 100 bucks for it. Oh, well. Looked really clean. ..I've been taking pictures of my handmades and put a video up...
  8. Been watching for days... Oh, killer box with nice snakes inside... VintageToyMarbles.com
  9. Thanks Steph for the kind remarks!! I have most of the category pictures in, some don't have a picture, because I don't even own that type.... could use any donations of images to cover those area's... It's set up like a tree if you start at the top it just keeps going down with group of images... (o) next to the names with show how many items are listed for sale. I have the search working as well, but it needs items to work...LOL complicated, but I'm really happy with the results. Thanks
  10. Hello Everyone, Well I've been hard at setting up a place to sell nice marbles and other cool stuff. I think I got it all done. No items yet, but you can still check it out. There are some nice images of various categories. Over the next couple of weeks will be the hard part, figuring out what I would like to sell. Anyway enjoy!! VintageToyMarbles.com Home I hope all the bugs are worked out, if not please let me know if you see any problems....
  11. LOL!! That would cut into the orginal cost! I'm really surpised at the end price! I guess Rarity out shine's condition. I was thinking ....maybe 250. Hmmmm. This is the 3rd one I've found in the wild and I've sold every one of them. I think I'll keep the next one I get. That was fun. Thx everyone!
  12. Yeah, It took off real nice, then got slow during the week, but it's picking up again. Looks like a nice return on my investment. Ending tonight! 10-24 Good Luck!
  13. As Promised! Peltier Blue Galaxy is up for $0.01 auction. Everyone has a chance! http://www.ebay.com/itm/121463424376?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649 Be sure to check out the other 3 items as well. Good Luck
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GurkREc-q4I
  15. Ann.....hmmmmm. Let me tell ya, about this. Steph already know's cuz I told her awhile back when I showed this. I got this for a whole dollar.... 100 pennies. In the wild.
  16. Hello All, Just a teaser for the auction that will be listed FRIDAY night. I haven't washed it yet, you can still see dirt in some of the fleabites/chips. Anyway, will be going up on the Bay tomorrow night around 8pm-9pmEST. I may not even wash it....let it go the way it is as found. Not sure. Hope you got a penny laying around! Thanks vintagetoymarbles.com
  17. LOL.... I did. They sent me a big long drawn out letter on BB Guns/Air pistols.... ...sorry to even be having this discussion on the 'marble' board. Hey Galen! GUN IS GONE!!
  18. Dang Terrorist...... eBay won't let me list my Dasiy 118 BB gun ............ That's crazy!!! SOLD
  19. http://www.ebay.com/sch/mellason1971/m.html?item=121441544988&hash=item1c467aeb1c&pt=Marbles&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Hello Everyone!!!!! Some good deals for this coming Friday Night!!! Don't miss out, check the feedback Good Luck!~
  20. Yeah Steph... hate it. I was going to work on my website that I started like 6 years ago... hmmm didn't work out too good. Anyway, I've been messing with it today. Got a good start. need some input from you guys on what size looks good... maybe content. http://personalpages.tds.net/~bilmay1949/Marbles/ But, I'm going to be going 100% into this over the next few days. so..... comments will be helpful. Sorry guys for loosing the post pictures... hate it.
  21. Sorry everyone, I erased my ftp site this morning so all the images I had posted are gone......... I thought I was just doing a password reset....nope... site reset.. I may have some images, but there was stuff on there from 10 years ago.. sorry!!!!
  22. http://www.ebay.com/sch/mellason1971/m.html?item=121285481881&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Couple of old paperweights ending this week..... Thanks
  23. This seller sent me an email to let me know they were glass, and that I could do a buy now if I wanted for 75.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251426429338 Not as old as you would think http://www.target.com/p/room-essentials-marble-string-lights-multi-10-count/-/A-12958845#prodSlot=large_1_16 Sometimes it's good to do a little research.....
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