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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. Oh yeah Mike, that looks good that way... hmmmm... Thanks!!!!
  2. Thanks Galen!!! Someone will be real happy with them, very nice!!!
  3. Ending Today 1-8-2014!!!! Looks like somebody will get a great box of marbles for a penny!!!!
  4. Well it cold enough here in SW Ohio that my 'cold' water line in the bathroom is frozen. I even had the doors open under it with a ceramic heater running all night...... Hope it doesn't bust.
  5. Ah I understand now. Thanks Hdesousa for clearing that up for me.
  6. .... I'm lost on this thread. What are we talking about, modern ball's to look like old ball's? ???
  7. Super Stuff guys!!!! I really like that large picture/painting Mike in your last image. Thanks for sharing!!!!!
  9. Hello all!!! Got a couple of nice boxes with marbles up!!!! http://www.ebay.com/sch/mellason1971/m.html?item=121246078128&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Thanks for looking and Good Luck!!!
  10. I was going to bid on that... sure is a eye catcher. Well, did 'your friend' due the old 'UV' test to see if it glowed slightly?
  11. Hello Everyone... Well I went to UPS website to track my new webcam I got coming.... (evi-d100) Wanted to see if it would be here today, since it's 17 miles away.... Look at what it said... Scheduled For Early Delivery On: Tuesday, 01/02/1900, By End of Day Originally Scheduled For Delivery On: Monday, 12/30/2013, By End of Day hmmmmmmm....
  12. If I had to "guess", because there seems to be an endless supply of them. I'd say China. Why, because they have so many people, the government needs them to do something so they are not 'idle'. Just a guess, tho.
  13. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Old-Handpainted-BRICK-Clay-Marbles-Handmade-ROBBINS-Tennessee-Set-of-10-NEW-/151193322979?pt=Marbles&hash=item2333d305e3 not a plug, just education....
  14. didn't look nor did I bid. not supporting high premiums for the privilege to buy from them.
  15. http://imgur.com/a/Dzg5E directory of BIG pictures plus more......
  16. That's cool Mike!!!!! I don't know if I would have sold my tho........ Great pictures. I see your box had the yellow bottom insert. I was thinking the other one was damaged there.... guess not. ..... EDIT .... I got a reply today... I encourage you to bid what you feel the item is worth, the ending auction price will be considered if reserve is not met.
  17. nope, no answers for me either.... asked him to turn on the 'zoom' feature for the pictures are upload bigger pictures.... anyway, I've been outbid on my 0.99
  18. ... dang, just noticed it said 'april'...... oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?
  19. http://www.ebay.com/itm/131069996566?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649
  20. Did you see the other stuff for sale from seller??? Kind of back's his story a little..... just a little.
  21. Wow Bob, I don't think I've ever seen that many 'End of Day' marbles in one place.....always the 2 pontil 'End of Days' type. Hope the other players notice your super low 5% premium!!!!!!
  22. Here's what Alan has to say about them.... NATIONAL LINE RAINBOS Among Peltier's most popular marbles are the National Line Rainbos, which were produced as early as the late 1920s and up to the late 1930s. All National Line Rainbos will exhibit two seams, which differentiates them from the earlier Miller swirls. Most have an opaque base, though some are semi-opaque or translucent. The design will consist of "ribbons" of opaque to transparent color. There will be one or more colors represented on the ribbons, and usually there will be four or six ribbons present. Rarely, the ribbons will have aventurine glass in them, usually in black ribbons but also present on extremely rare occasions in blue or red ribbons. Aventurine is a type of glass with finely ground particles of copper (golden), chromic oxide (green), or ferric oxide (red), which causes it to sparkle under illumination, especially direct sunlight. Dragon (light green with red ribbons) Flaming Dragon (light green with red and yellow ribbons---usually the colors are blended to create a more orange effect)
  23. Wow..... Thanks everyone for the info.... Hmmmm Well I got these on eBay from : Morris, Indiana, Seller: zaydertader Now looking at these I can see that they was used as described above. Well, I'll still hang them up, still pretty neat looking. Thanks again!!!!!
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