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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. Hi. Did you see this..... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sulphide-Rare-Locomotive-Two-Inch-Marble/272068972797?_trksid=p2060778.c100276.m3476&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140725133649%26meid%3Da3b4cf5f13f94be28d6d39eb1df87847%26pid%3D100276%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D3%26sd%3D111853999002 Well I'm thinking this is new as it looks odd. What do you think? (I do like some of the 'other items' for sale tho....)
  2. Good post's!!! I like #24. 3 pages and not one Pearlized patch. I'll get some of mine colorful patches out, they are in a box somewhere....
  3. Galen, I got a chipped up dry grinding stone and some sandpaper.... might get it round for you!!! LOL, just kidding. Very nice!!
  4. Hi Everyone! Wanted to show my non-White Parrots with a small Parakeet. (Same group, just rolled around) Nice post, Thanks for sharing!!! Enjoy.
  5. also, it's a Super Blood Moon as well!!!! Peak should be at 10:47pm EST.(full blood effect).. Hoping for clear skies!!!
  6. Not what it seems, plus you can click on the 'Here's' for more info... Plus it has a lot of custom settings you can set up as well. I really like it!!! Piece of mind!!!
  7. I noticed the 'new google logo' on various youtube banner's (link) I guess that's because of the rainbow on facebook profile pictures and the lights on the whitehouse a while back? okay... here's my two cents. I do not like anything about Google (except for the self driving cars). I think it's all just Big Brother-Nwo-Data Mining. ...as soon as youtube/google split up...bye bye google. I don't even use thier search engine, I like Startpage I'm with you Ann, where's my roll of tin foil!!!! ....off my box now!!!
  8. Well it looks like we are on the color purple! Great stuff Everyone!!!!!
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1-BU_TK2u4 hmm can't make it show up.... anyway, very createtive and hard to keep still watching it.
  10. Hi Everyone~~~ Do you this this is one of these??? Not my stuff, but a group on ebay. Hmmm.....
  11. my 1 cent thought on this.... Well I think marble's are getting higher for opening bid... pelt's for example. But I still seem to have the same issues as always: watching auction an then the seller end's auctions for bin's. A good example of this was my recent sale, I have 35 people wanting me to end my auction early... I image that this goes on with most/all auction of interest.... ??? --side note-- Anyway, I still have my website that I'm still working on. I have two new cabinets and photographing everything as I put them into it. So far I have the pelts up. I won't price anything till the photo's are done for everything... maybe a month or so. I'm currently on my CAC's.
  12. Birds of a feather...... Yellow Parrots or Blue Parrots What color are we on??? What is that Ric? EDIT ------------- Oh, I see it's a Marble King you think. Anyway I got one the other day, it was pitted pretty bad, but those colors really stick out.
  13. Hello Everyone!!! Got a batch fresh from an estate. Left it as I found it. So you can have the same excitement I get when I get a new group to go through!!!! Enjoy and Good Luck eBay ps... here's what the box project looks like..
  14. Ann, I wash all my marble's. Glass, glazed and unglazed, never had a bad result yet. I never know where they have been before I get them. River, privy and shhhhhh (out house dig) LOL. Thanks a neat marble Orbboy.
  15. Hi Everyone, Haven't posted anything lately, been so busy with the website and ebay... But, I did take these the other night for your enjoyment. Large in the back are 1 7/8", 1 7/8", 1 15/16", 1 7/8", 1 7/8" The tiny CAC's are -15/32", -15/32", 13/32" (smallest I own) Anyone have any bigger 1 15/16" China's to share? Thanks for looking!!!
  16. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you know this is listed.... eBay plus other items Good Luck~~~ Thanks for looking..
  17. I'm not sure what to think of it..... I guess time will tell. I suppose 'google' could have been hacked.. I'll be watching to see if the pages disappear or not. ... I'm in line to buy a ticket, but haven't made the buy yet....crazy as that sounds...
  18. After years of a blank square of space.... Google Sky Gill Broussard Just wonder what you all make of this?
  19. Oh..... that marble reminds me of the '4' suliphide 'that was' on the bay..... http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-ANTIQUE-7-8-AMBER-COLORED-SULPHIDE-No-4-MARBLE-/331579189148?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d33a8e79c&nma=true&si=KEa05L6%252FcdoJuZ4BMzoIQtkvhxU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  20. Thanks Steph!!!! I finally got that curio home!!! It's pretty awesome!! I got a new group of Marbles I'll post a picture with them in it!!! This will be the last week for this, then it will be returned to the consignor!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/111699050035?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Good Luck!!!
  21. Hello Everyone!!!!! Ending tonight!! 5-29-2015 As a side note, thought I'd share my new marble keeper with you all .....
  22. Hi Everyone, Have a couple of old magazines with Marbles on the covers ending soon. http://www.ebay.com/sch/mellason1971/m.html?item=121658856369&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Thanks for looking and Good Luck!!!!
  23. Ending Tonight.... Still only $0.01 Good luck and thanks for looking!!!
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