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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. oops... forgot the picture I got from him.. Only thing I can guess is, that the winner thinks it's a CA of some sort......???
  2. It's a bit smaller than a dime? See attached picture. Can you educate me? Is it always better for the marble to be bigger? Thanks - uncledmund That's crazy on the selling price. Spiderman at that.
  3. Nice!!!! 3 RIBBON BANDED LUTZ 43/64" (0.675") 9.2 This unusual and very hard to find antique handmade marble has three lutz bands running between couple of pontils. two ribbons are bordered with thin white lines and one ribbon is bordered with blue lines on a black base glass. There are only as made imperfections on an otherwise unplayed with pristine surface. A rare antique marble. Winning Bid: $ 1,100.00 + 15% both ways http://www.rtam.com/americanmarble/cgi-bin/catalog.cgi #82
  4. Hmmmmm, I'm getting ready to bid on one of those. There's some on the bay as we speak. here's the old posting where we was chatting about them.... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/18229-all-of-these-germans-look-strange-to-me/?hl=portugal#entry155701 So these are not good, or are they???? Sorry for hijacking your post Ron..... btw I still like that marble, if your not in love with it, PM me
  5. That's cool!!!!! Okay, do you think it's a green jelly core. The only reason I asked it, I don't see green glass on the outside.....????.... Does it UV? It's a really neat one!!!!!
  6. I think I'll go with Al on this one and vote Akro as well.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN7O9gM-lvc&list=PLQ0ALRKmCiriAA02vzGSkQanL8OBVb1CP Was enjoying watching her play this song on the guitar. So talented, fingers just fly over the frets. Plus, with her smiling all through it, you know she's really enjoying herself....
  8. I see these have returned to ebay for a 2nd time. Looks like they wasn't worth the 180. At least he has retaken the photos to show the damage. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-74-Swirls-Vintage-Estate-marbles-German-or-Latticino-READ-DESCRIPTION-/111194110879?pt=Marbles&hash=item19e3af7b9f
  9. Mine got here today!!! Close up.....yeah it got a fracture under the glass...
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-3-4-GERMAN-DIVIDED-CORE-MULTI-COLOR-SWIRL-HAS-LARGE-CHIP-/181241773120?pt=Marbles&hash=item2a32d9fc40 says for parts or repair
  11. Hi. Thought I'd share some Akro Agate pictures Hope someone out there has some to share as well!! Thanks for looking!!
  12. Super Marbles Everyone!!! A few more to add to the mix....
  13. Wow!! Those are very nice. I like R4#3 and I also like that Lace. Super Galen! I like you uploaded a nice big zoomable picture to boot~~
  14. Size is important to me. Gnome, what kind of marble did you buy?
  15. Hmmmmm, When you said "3 are from the old factory" I was thinking they was just found marbles, not messed with. ?? Anyway, I'll go with the first one, purple.
  16. Can I play? The picture is kinda small, but I would guess: Last row going down on the right, all 3 are old.
  17. http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=junkola&&_trksid=p2047675.l2560&rt=nc&iid=360755348490&sspagename=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller Winner's feedback is shown.
  18. Hi. Anyone have reviews on this yet? How much of the book is just on marble's? Thanks
  19. That's a nice one!!!! I was thinking about that one. But, I thought I would focus on this one. Mini Score as well, should be here tomorrow!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-Early-German-Hand-Made-MarbleS-in-Played-with-Condition-3-4-To-1-5-16-/221297071688?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=RCQvd%252FOMO8H81yYLXc5EOKC6TRI%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc I seen one like that at a show, years ago. I'm hoping there is mica in the blue....
  20. Thanks Chuck!!! Purple Toga, I like that name!! Yeah, they do have some dirt on some of them, I'd say they was/were dug, or kids where being kids with them.
  21. Hi. So in fixing/reparing handmades with a fracture, does it effect the whole marble, or is the repair just a local surface fix? Can someone show a before/after picture? Does it effect the pontil? Thanks!!
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