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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. More of those ??? Jabo clones.... We are going to focus just on the grey based one with yellow. Real one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARBLES-PAIR-Christensen-Agate-Co-Swirl-Slag-gray-lavender-electric-yellow-/181172074165?pt=Marbles&hash=item2a2eb276b5 Jabo 'New/Modern' http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-CORELESS-GERMAN-SWIRL-NICE-JABO-1-SHOOTERS-FLAMES-HOT-K-M-THATS-RIGHT-/370852764954?pt=Marbles&hash=item56588c1d1a If I didn't know better, this one might have gotten me...but with education; I know the difference.
  2. Yeah, Galen is right about finding those in the dump. I have dug lot's of them here on my property. Pretty tough glass, only found like 3 broken. I have that trone with a matching sink. My house is 1840's with the bathroom added around late 50's, early 60's.
  3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Btb-WATERMELON-marble-RARE-5-8-marble-king-BLENDED-L-K-/200940209326?pt=Marbles&hash=item2ec8f844ae Wow. I even emailed the seller and told him what it was, but since it has a bid, I think he thinks it is real. I'm 99.9% sure this is a Peltier Champion Jr. Hope none of you are falling for it. there's always that 0.1%, I'm wrong.
  4. http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-Great-Looking-Corkscrew-Marbles-/271234248720?pt=Marbles&hash=item3f26d23010 How about Jabo's looking Popeyes?
  5. I had posted this marble awhile back...I think here. But anyway this was the info I got about it. Is it wrong? I know people that come over and look at my stuff, usually; most of the time, this is the first one they pick up. ??? It's clay and seems to have had some care in the making of it. ***EDIT*** Mine's 6.25oz. via kitchen scale ***EDIT***
  6. posted in wrong post..........sorry check handmade corkscrew
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-MARBLE-Rare-23-32-PELTIER-SUPERMAN-Tri-Color-NLR-So-Sexy-DRIPPING-WET-/370809295960?pt=Marbles&hash=item5655f4d458 Found it. ..... Look at some of those other listed marble's as well...... better have deep pockets
  8. It's gone..... They had a buy now of like 800 bucks.... Crazy...
  9. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Vintage-MARBLE-Rare-23-32-PELTIER-SUPERMAN-Tri-Color-NLR-So-Sexy-DRIPPING-WET-/00/s/MTMxOFgxMzEx/z/nocAAMXQsoNRhJdL/$(KGrHqYOKo8E7EF)YGVnBRhJdLnVpQ~~60_57.JPG Hi. Look at the highlight on this marble.... Is that as made and what about all those little lines around it??? Dipping WET???
  10. That first one looks like a Peltier design... was the machine set up for that?
  11. Thanks Rich!!!! Very fast professional service. SUPER!!! I'm very happy with my small bird (that one's mine) That red on the bird in ON the bird not the glass... My buddy had the other two, and he's very pleased with the results as well. Will send more 'work' for ya soon. He was wondering if you are able to put a pontil back on them or not??? Great job and thanks again.
  12. Hmmm, guess Rich is being shy... Here's the before pictures.... I've already seen the after pictures.....Nice. I believe I'll have them back in hand tomorrow..
  13. Hi. Anyone have a picture or pictures of these? Thanks
  14. A talented lady playing AeroSmith 'Eat the Rich' cover. also listening to her play this as well +++warning+++ you'll be head bangin'....
  15. and NASA wants you to believe there's no life on Mars....... ...looks like a martian satellite image and the mud clots are mountains and those fine lines are ancient rivers and of course the marble is the city....LOL
  16. Thanks Rich!!!! Go ahead and show off the pic's. Can't wait to see them in hand!!!!!!!! Thanks again, William
  17. Hi. Do these Red on Green patches fit into this discussion? Those are neat Ric!!!!!
  18. http://www.ebay.com/itm/VERY-COOL-Pre-1950-VINTAGE-NATIONAL-MARBLES-PELTIER-GLASS-Marble-BOX-/140972555769 Hey Everyone, Am I missing something on the incomplete, worn box? Thanks
  19. I talked to 'Linda', very helpful. The paypal option happened, when I told her I didn't do checks, haven't for 20 years. She was like, you have paypal? As far as shipping, she said they are very busy with lot's of auctions and it's a 'que' based system, once you pay then your in a list at the shipping department. ??? I paid on a Friday and had my stuff the next Wednesday.....but since I got that catalog, it might have moved me up. Where's Running Rabbit when we need it. Miss ya Alan.
  20. I was first time buyer as well, didn't want my bank card, but took my paypal that's linked right to my bank....go figure...LOL Thats good, now you can track your item....!!!
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