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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. That what I was thinking too Al. Still have most of Running Rabbit's stuff. Well maybe I'll get one next time.
  2. I was looking at that too Galen. I'd say reworked. My clues are the black wispy lines, small bubbles and free flowing overall design. EDIT.... I went and looked at all the stuff the seller has bought in the last 90 days..... and I kept going back to this auction. Same colors.... Same lutz strip... Same use of words.... I'm not saying that this was done... but just wonder if it couldn't have been??? http://www.ebay.com/itm/JABO-RENO-GOLD-RUSH-2-3-13-Approx-43-64-Mint-Lutz-Chain-/281134778990?nma=true&si=oNxNZ7TkG0NCYJdFE%252FbY4HrOt60%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  3. Hmmm, Been running to the mail box for a week.... Still no mail
  4. LOL this seller has been selling marbles are crazy prices. I should say trying to sell. If you look at his 'sold/completed' you will see that if he put's them up in a regular auction, they sell for much less. I've sent him a couple of emails just to correct his ID's in the past. He's always good for a smile. I wish those prices were current.... I'd be rich!!!
  5. Here's their 'May 4th, 1934' address......... Same Company????
  6. http://personalpages.tds.net/~bilmay1949/FORSALE/ACBlowUp.jpg Well Steph, I did my best with this image. About 2 megs in size. But I think you can make out most of it with your own zoom tools.
  7. Well i went over and had a look. Here's what what they submitted: http://tsdr.uspto.gov/documentviewer?caseId=sn85834165&docId=FTK20130131072359#docIndex=12&page=1 Hmmmm.... Interesting. One thing I noticed right off the bat. Was the word's 'Trade Mark' are missing on this new logo. As far as this box goes. I don't see the metal clips on the corners. I guess also they would have to have the 'choke hazard' on it somewhere. ??? I always wondered how this place was able to get away with doing this. http://www.zazzle.com/csnider/gifts
  8. I believe it's about 'religion' . Maybe a 'The Lounge' topic???
  9. Thanks for the input on this. I was thinking it was reworked. Anyway here's the auction it's from. http://www.ebay.com/itm/German-2-color-handmade-cased-clambroth-marble-Huge-1-3-8-inch-very-rare-lot-868-/141055349291?pt=Marbles&hash=item20d78dd22b It sort of looks flat in picture #6 as well. ??? Thanks again!!!!! Great info at a super price!!!!!!!
  10. Does this look like it's been changed? Thanks
  11. Thanks for the info. Yeah has a small crease, believe it's just a slight cold roll. Short and doesn't go all around. I don't see anything to make me believe it's a dbl ingot. Has a fine texture in the black almost like on of those across the border marbles. I was obtained for a collector about 20 years ago. The guy had no dug stuff, so.... I may try to pick this up. I spotted this and asked to photo it. I was looking for the 11/16" stuff I needed. Cool, just when you think you seen it all......
  12. Thanks guys!!! So is this rare for this size?? Thanks
  13. when the room you converted is no longer good enough and you start building a building for your beloved marbles......
  14. Wow. 52 view and nobody's asked how big that cork is.... I labeled the small one. Okay, I'll spill the beans. It's between 1 1/4" and 1 3/8" So about 1 and 5/16". Biggest cork I've ever seen.
  15. Hello All, Thought I'd share this Akro Corkscrew with ya!! Enjoy
  16. Thanks Gal's!!! Wasn't sure on it. I'll pass on picking it up.
  17. Hello All, Is this a Vitro confetti 3/4"? I know about the white based with single color, but did they make anything like this? Thanks
  18. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Akro-Agate-Black-Amethyst-3-Square-Ashtray-3-Avail-/130466834916?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e606de9e4 There are 3 of them. Looks like what you are talking about. since we are talking akro ashtrays.... I picked up a 2 3/4" square silver/white oxblood ashtray at a consignment store last week. First one that small, wet mint. Pretty cool.
  19. Sissydear, it's a marble. It's a little bit out of round, not very much. Next time I'm over at her house I get a picture. Might be awhile.
  20. I have a Jim Davis dinosaur sulphide. It's 5" or 6". I believe Leroy has the same one. Mine's at my aunt house with her Davis collection.
  21. Those are Super!!!! Red looks very nice!!
  22. Same picture but with the Flash on.... http://personalpages.tds.net/~bilmay1949/FORSALE/MODERNflash.JPG
  23. Hi. Just wondering what you all think about this up coming comet event? I'm looking forward to it. I have 3 telescopes and hoping to build a rig for the camera to capture some great images. Right now I'm getting my largest all set up. Already been looking at the sun with the sun filter and comparing with the current nasa sun images..all good. I noticed that youtube is full of doom and gloom about this; end of the world. Anyway, it's coming up to Mars pretty soon. Thanks
  24. Hi. Okay I have taken a closer looks at these. Maybe Al can verify my results with his bags as well. #8 are 1" #20 are 11/16" to 3/4" hard to measure in the bag. Ric. Yes a flash light will light them up (front or back). Now, here's where it get interesting. Steph, I couldn't really see any seams or what not. Untill I put a black light on them. All bags the blue was UV. 3 of the Red's in two bags, had an Orange UV band that went between 2 seams. (under black light) Also noticed that the red ones have a few bubbles in them.
  25. Thanks guys!!! Well Al, your bags are the same as mine. I'm thinking Peltier, why not? Look at the other Peltier mesh bags. Champion Jr. for example. All caps, fancy square around the words, "made in u.s.a." is the same. When I bought these today, I asked him if these were Peltier's and he said yes.... ??? anyone can say anything when $$$ are involved.
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