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Everything posted by 1313

  1. "I'm rooting for the post office." im rooting for the post office as well and use the post office for many things. FEDEX is a no nosense place, UPS being the worst on handling ANYTHING
  2. " I feel they will correct their own course as they have shown the ability to do in the past." your kidding, right? this has nothing to do with the past, its the present, thats where we are at with this. as you and the family gather around the mailbox to sing battle hymn of the republic, id ask you to re-evaluate the scenario. sure 9 billion aint much, maybe you should just write a check right now! lotta laughs here
  3. "to see the big controversy about recycling vs throwing away the boxes...pretty interesting." just another ignorant idea by the post office, if you wanna know why they are about to go under, just look to the people in charge and some of the bright ideas they have. this is last yrs news http://www.pri.org/stories/politics-society/government/will-the-postal-service-shut-down5780.html lets crack down on people recycling boxes, we might raise 9 + billion?
  4. looke like chris old stuff. nice work as always. ive always been a chris robinson fan!
  5. http://morphyauction...genum=2〈=En anyone know where to find realized prices?
  6. a candidate for leroy, youd be amazed with polishing!
  7. heres a pic just in, im sure there will be alot more to come. sistersville looks promising
  8. seems i cant get a word in edgewise at home so i thought id post em here! LOOKS LIKE I MAY BE HAVING HUMBLE PIE
  9. any good pics or stories? im a week ahead of schedule...............................................
  10. this is the pic that someone sent of you at the show ;o)
  11. anyone have any pics of the canton show ? hows about a report? word is, something rare came in.
  12. lotta crackpots here , there, and everywhere. it could have something to do with inflation? looks like typical fishing to me. your mood will be better in the winter ;o)
  13. in hand these are the nicest marble! orgasmic
  14. all glass contains sand. AGREED ,the skills are different. as for precise symetry of matthews it is proven above, false. THESE may be close http://i.ebayimg.com/t/2-7-8-Marble-Mark-Matthews-Roman-Parallel-Geometric-/01/!Bn,4Hc!BGk~$(KGrHqEOKjEEtqPgfsd-BLjZhVjr2!~~_1.JPG but to say one commands high prices for symetry is bullcocca
  15. what i was pointing out was the imperfection "Matthews is all about precision. Others have come close and can make a good copy but still not quite as good. " this is obviously clydes opinion, but the facts are NOT PRECISION a timex makes for a good wristwatch, all about personal pref? drive a caddy or drive a yugo?
  16. you mean good quality metal? works? glass is the same, davis = jabo = matthews
  17. http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/9/3/7/3/2/6/webimg/414527414_tp.jpg im failing to see the perfection here. clyde, stop with the smoke signals up people butts.
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