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Rylee Burch

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Everything posted by Rylee Burch

  1. OMG THAT MARBLE SOLD FOR $102.85!!!!!! THATS NOT RIGHT!!!!! feel bad for whoever paid for that marble cuz i dont think that person took refunds!
  2. oohh i like that mib its nice!! and in childress texas its not looking good either MOUNDS of snow are falling while im inside drinking hot coacoa and eating stew!! yuumm so snug......
  3. what is the one to the top left? i think its oxblood? am i right? wish it was a sunny day in texas were getting snow tonight and its FREEZING!!
  4. these mibs are on the bay.... What the heck are they?
  5. sorry its hard for me to judge but im VERY VERY sorry if i called it mint im kinda new to selling marbles and judging the condition...... but lets start over okay the marble is a 5/8 flourescent green and yellow popeye that has two tiny pinpricks on the surface. but over all the marble is very beautiful and looks amazing under a blacklight.... Price: $45.00
  6. well its for sale and ill post pics later on but it floresesces like CRAZY!! its stunning!!
  7. yes, the one that sold was 3/4 but mine is 5/8 so how much? hope its about the same
  8. well i purchased a flouresent (popeye) green and yellow and it is in mint condition 9.5 9.6. it has 2 tiny pinpricks but the rest of the surface is wet mint. any idea on the price? saw one on the bay awhile back and it sold for $135.00....
  9. WHOA!!! are you selling that?! that is outstanding!!
  10. Hey zaboo where did you get that beauty anyways?
  11. that one is right zaboo!! is it yours?
  12. wow! thats a little one!! wonder why they would make it so small......but its still a pretty cool sulphide!
  13. uuummmm i really dont know mon...... whatcha got for me?
  14. please see the marbles below that are wanted: peltier blue galaxy peltier superman akro agate lavender and orange snake christensen 3 color flame M.F. christensen oxblood brick akro sparkler thank you everyone!! and if anybody has ANY of these marbles PM me!!! please reply and keep post!!!!
  15. those are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! Edna those are amamzing!!1
  16. wow thats beautiful and i also love your blue turkey..... on that turkey no idea on the maker.... but still awesome!
  17. Thank you soooo much everyone!!! keep postn!!! i need to do the same thing!!
  18. I want you to post your favorite artist and favorite contemporaries here are some of mine..... note these are just a SAMPLE.... the second is made by Carl Fisher but the first is unknown but still beautiful!! thats why i like it...
  19. im about to put my new profile pic up and this image belongs to its original owner i just wanted everybody to know that!!!!
  20. whle iv got you on edna have you gotten my message yet?
  21. anyone like my profile pic? thanks...<:>

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