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Rylee Burch

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Everything posted by Rylee Burch

  1. OMG!!!! i swear it looked JUST like the second one!! with a green patch!!! it looked really old so i figured it was real and i had alot of saved b-day money so i bid on it thinking it was just another peltier comic that wasnt even rare........ ha my mistake..
  2. And while iv got a hold of some experts on this post i would like you to please post or look at my topic that i started named " Your Prized Marble" and i love to see other peoples marbles and this talks about the marble your most proud of........ thank you sorry just had to mention that..... :}
  3. I am kind of confused would somebody tell me what modern means or is it like contemporary? i feel so dumb i blushing...... and im pretty sure it was on somebodys item list and it was a 1 day auction it said....... so i might be wrong.. thank you for helping me out everybody!
  4. UUUUUUGGGHHH!!!! Now I know to do my studying before bidding. just gave away a peltier comic (loaf or bread) marble? And found out it was worth...... OVER $1000.00!!!!!!!!!!! AND I LET IT GO FOR 8.00!!!!! PLEASE TELL ME THE RAREST TO THE LEAST RAREST: PELTIER COMIC MARBLE THANK AND I REALLY DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!
  5. Today I got a rare yellow twisted latticino with cherry red caged bands surrounding it, WOW what a beautiful marble!!!!! I want you to post pictures of the (marbles) you are most proud of. I will be posting pictures soon sorry I have just got done moving so yeah.......
  6. I need someone to help me answer some questions it might take a while but its jst for fun! i need all the rarest marbles in all the columns of antique or german handmade marbles I am trying to get all the rare marbles i could find plz i hope everybody sees this thanks for everybodys help!!!!
  7. Instead of getting the cloud i was hoping for i got a diffrent one abt 1 5/8 pretty big but thats not the only thing thats big theres a pretty big chip on the side and the surface is pretty dull and i was windering if its a good idea to get polished or leave it as is? i will be posting pics soon still need to get the hang of this site!
  8. sorry havn't got to post pics yet but it will be this weekend.!
  9. Im very suspicious about buying this marble,supposedly this marble is a machine made maker unknown and it has a figure inside that I cannot see looks very much like a sulphide,but you cant make out the figure the seller also identified me that the figure could be some brick or clay from the kiln does anybody know?
  10. Im actually thinking of bidding on ur GREAT ONION!
  11. WOW very beautiful! yes I agree $600.00 or $800.00!
  12. Yes im practicing im pretty good but dont think im ready 4 a tornament ha! Thank you 2 it was awesome meeting u and your the best im enjoying my marbles VERY much
  13. OMG jst stumbled upon this I cant believe im on here ha im so excited!
  14. OMG I was just looking through the chats when I found this and I wanted to tell everybody to come to every Texas marble show they can their AWESOME!!!! and when you do ask for Edna SHES THE BBEESTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I will be posting pics soon its has a few tiny moons 1 tiny knick that can't be seen by the naked eye so overall good condition!
  16. Oh my gosh thats horrible! Im sorry i would be devistated I hope they catch that marble napper!
  17. My Pride in my collection

  18. Im bidding on a cloud marble this evening and the colors include yellow,red and green, how rare is it or what's the price value?
  19. I will post pictures soon so we can judge what 2 do, anyways THANK U EVERYBODY SSSOOO MUCH!!!!!!
  20. I got a boar sulphide today and the (base) or surface looks kind of dull what do I do?
  21. Thts awesome great flea market find jst went to one in Dallas,TX and I found NOTHING!!!!!!
  22. Rylee Burch

    Ribbon Lutzes

    WOW those are beautiful i actually just attended the texas marble show in Ft Worth and they were selling a triple lutz band with 3 bands! I would've payed some cash for that!!!
  23. AWESOME iv been looking for a good clambroth for awhile!!!!!
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