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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. Killer pieces Melissa...worthy of the keeper box for sure.
  2. Room trading has begun. Come on down if you are in the area. 2nd floor.
  3. Show is next week folks. Room trading starts in 4 days. Come on down.
  4. The bottom right one has aventurine 😎
  5. Hope to see u there Marboman! I attached the 2024 flyer. Bring some pelts 🤠
  6. Get your reservations in if you haven't already. Room trading starts in one month. There is a hotel shuttle to and from the airport. The shuttle is also available from the hotel to restaurants.
  7. until
  8. until
  9. Excellent 😎. Were you able to reserve your room in Portland? I made an amendment on the flyers that you have to dial zero to speak directly to the hotel for the discount. Otherwise it forwards you to India for customer service if you select "reservations".
  10. great piece, thanks for sharing Rick. are u coming out to Des Moines?
  11. nice corks Al. Hope u will be bringing some to Portland.
  12. He still sells marbles at the marble shows though. Vegas, Portland, Orange County, & Des Moines are some of the shows he attends.
  13. Room trading is going on now...please stop by if you are in the area. We are on the 6th floor
  14. Get your reservations in as soon as possible if you haven't already. The room rate discount expires on the Feb. 28th.
  15. Make your reservations. Las Vegas Marble Show, October 26th 2024. Hope to see you there.
  16. Brilliant! 😄. Hope to see you there Tom. I'll be there early Wednesday.
  17. The 2024 Orange County Marble show in California is only 2 months away. Make your reservations early. Hope to see you there.
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