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Everything posted by rxrodney

  1. Just to clarify...these are from the 1930's or so?
  2. So...1" was probably the largest production size, with some variance up to 1 1/8" (or maybe 4.75" lol). That box is amazing! Thanks to all who have replied, and I'd love to hear anything else anyone has to add...
  3. Just bought a small group of marbles from my favorite local antique dealer. In the group is the biggest Peltier National Line Rainbow that I have ever had my hands on. It is a cub scout measuring in at .8925 inches, or a little over 7/8". I'd say its only about a NM- with scattered fleas, but I like it because the size makes it really jump out as something unusual. I would post a picture but I haven't figured out how to get them from my iphone to here (it says the file is too big). I'm sure there are bigger ones out there, just wondering how big. Even if your biggest isn't as big as the largest one posted, please share, as I'm wondering if certain color combinations are more common in the larger sizes. Thanks, Rodney
  4. Hey--I live in Wooster! And I have about two gallons of Jabo classics I'd be willing to sell. pm me if you'd like--I'd love to meet another local collector!
  5. Oh, also bought a couple of really nice display boxes made by Griff that he had given a peek of in an earlier thread about snowstorm activities (I think), and that I was hoping he'd bring. Hardest working man in marbles, that guy .
  6. I was at the Canton show on Saturday, and feel like I got a lot of great marbles for not a lot of money (a couple hundred bucks). I don't buy anything high end (yet), but found a lot of marbles that I love in the $1 to $5 range. Marbles that I've seen sell for many times that on ebay. And seeing the rare (and expensive) marbles in person is MINDBLOWING. Pictures just do not do great marbles justice! Also, the people are great, and very generous, at times giving me discounts that I didn't even ask for! I also took a few from my collection that I was having trouble IDing and everyone I asked was happy to help, including Istmmrls (not sure if its ok to use your real name). I love auctions, estate sales, yard sales, antique stores, etc, but there's nothing like going to a show--lots of great minds thinking alike I guess .
  7. So happy to hear that there will be a Saturday show! My schedule does not allow me to attend in room trading in the evenings, so Saturday is my only chance to participate. I've been there for all of the shows the last few years and can't wait to be there again. Those who sell will recognize me as the guy who buys all of the $1 marbles lol. May contact Brian about having a table myself this year. I've never sold a marble but it may be time to start (would make my wife happy). Either way, looking forward to seeing you all at the Holiday Inn! Rodney
  8. I myself am a "lurker", I guess. Four posts in a year and a half, and two of them on this thread lol.
  9. A lot of truth in there bumblebee. I had a lot of fun reading it. Thank you for taking the time to post!
  10. Looks like a great auction! I'm signed up and ready to bid.
  11. Located in Wooster Ohio. Would definitely be interested.
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