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Everything posted by wadely1212

  1. the one blue lace cac did have an annealing fracture in the blue i was looking at it but decided not to get them because of that.... in fact if you look at the page 11 lot 56 you can see the right on has a fracture going from upper left to lower right....
  2. hey steph.. whenever you get to it... as far as sellers from the denver area does anyone know who rynok is on ebay...
  3. ausman can i ask which lot did you win that wasn't there to begin with .... cause i had just the oppsite happen
  4. this was from may of 2011 auction ... they listed the porcelfrit marble correct here but they couldn't do it for 12/2013 auction... it just shows how lazy one can be they didn't even go back and look.... not only that i was bidding online and i was bidding on the popeye box set i had high bid the floor bid and the bid retracted and sold right away ... i didn't win it the bidder before me won it... i went and b*tched to them about it and they said there is nothing they can do once the auctioneer says sold its done... i was very upset...
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