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Everything posted by wadely1212

  1. well the 14.00 shipping is quite outrageous. but someone need to pay the salary of their employees... also before you signed to do online bidding they do state about the 20% buyer's premium... i'm not sticking up for them at all but most auction do have have buyer's premium's
  2. here one i got it's over 3/4" at 25/32" miller machine and its a 9.8... i see no adventurine either. i also paid 440.00
  3. not mine..... but here's a nice china collection
  4. check out morphy's auction for the up coming marble auction on may 3 there is a mfc slag.... lot 228... the largest that they know to exist of 1 15/16" estimate 1,000-2,000... wow wow... i can only imagine what a 3" estimate would be http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/15125791/rare-large-m-f--christensen-slag-marble-?tab=0&display=50&cpage=5
  5. its not post yet... just the picture of the cover... my bad it not at morphys site
  6. bob i had got that actually from zaboo about 2 years ago give or take a few monthes... but yeah its a small world
  7. i see all these cullets but i haven't seen any for the elite marbles such as blue galaxy golden rebel submarines cobra. sand layers... i was wondering if these used every last bit or the cullets are just as hard to find as the marbles.....
  8. they are to have a tv series of it plus a movie...
  9. i figured it meant something about casters just wasn't sure if the meant like marbles as casters like the sulphide in the globe stand in marble mania book...
  10. hansel what is the perfection caster balls
  11. ill buy the parrots off of whoever wins it
  12. i know yellow red and black mica marbles are among the rarest mica mables and bring a high dollar
  13. very nice galen i like that hercules hybrid you wanna sell it
  14. has anyone seen this.... is this polished or is it that clean i'd like to hear your thoughts...\\ steph i know your good with finding links can you please
  15. i agree with galen... i think it just a matter of whether one is right handed or left handed... it just like anything else...
  16. but just remember that its a "reproduction" and there are so many things out there that are reproductions.... it is your job a collector to know the difference... and yes as a beginner you do not know... i had bought marbles and didn't know about them... i asked people and i'm still learning about them.. but there are plenty of resources out there.... as far as threats ebay doesn't allow that... you should contact ebay and they will go through your message between the 2 parties and help you through things...
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